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Beijing Folklore Museum has a strong cultural flavor of "Qiqiao"

Song Jiaxuan
August 8, 2019 11:24 | Source: China Culture Daily
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Original title: Beijing Folk Museum has a strong cultural flavor of "Qiqiao"

(Reporter Song Jiaxuan) On August 7, the Chinese traditional Double Seventh Festival (also known as the Qiqiao Festival), the Beijing Folk Custom Museum held a cultural event with the theme of "Love Manchuria, Meet Happily in Beijing". Through thematic exhibitions, experiences and social education activities, it demonstrated the "loyalty, harmony, diligence, romance" and other characteristics of the Double Seventh Festival culture, Give full play to the edification and cultural and educational functions of traditional Chinese festivals.

The museum restored the scene of worshiping the Weaver Maid in ancient times, and followed the ancient customs, prepared various skills competitions in different forms, such as thread threading, jigsaw puzzle, and needle throwing. Many folk artists were also invited to participate in the activity to guide the production of folk arts and crafts on site. In addition to rich and colorful folk experience activities, this year the museum also held the Double Seventh Festival themed cultural relics exhibition, and all kinds of pouches and sachets were loved by the audience.

It is reported that this activity is part of the "Our Festival" series of cultural activities of the Beijing Folk Museum. As a brand activity of Beijing Folklore Museum, this activity enables people to find the cultural roots of traditional festivals here, so that the traditional festival culture can be inherited and carried forward in contemporary society. On the day of the Double Seventh Festival, the Beijing Folk Museum extended its closing time to 7 p.m.

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiajia, Lu Jing)

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