Xinhua News Agency: The spirit of women's volleyball team is immortal! Rio Olympic Games Write a New Legend

13:20, August 21, 2016 Xinhua
Chinese Women's Volleyball Players Celebrate the Championship

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 21, sports correspondent Liao Yi

"When it comes to the Chinese women's volleyball team, there is a feeling of tears," said a young netizen these days.

Great spirit always has the power to make people cry. It is with the spirit of indomitable, brave, tenacious and united struggle that the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team has created miracles under extremely difficult circumstances, won epic victories, and finally won the gold medal in Rio, played the national anthem of the People's Republic of China again in the Olympic Games, and raised the five-star red flag.

This move lasted for 35 years. Since the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team won the World Cup Women's Volleyball Championships for the first time in 1981, the spirit of hard work has been deeply rooted in the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team and has become a strong gene of this glorious collective. Despite several setbacks, tribulations and ups and downs, the fighting spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been permeated in the international arena. In the most difficult circumstances, what we see is that we rise again and again without giving up. This stronger and stronger spirit has forged the spirit of several generations of Chinese women's volleyball team, enriched the connotation of Chinese women's volleyball team spirit in the long years, and become an important reason for generations of Chinese audiences to love, support, watch and regard women's volleyball team as "the teacher of heroes".

A heroic teacher needs to be dedicated and inherited from generation to generation. In the long struggle of the Chinese women's volleyball team, there is a representative figure that we need to remember. She is Lang Ping. When the Chinese women's volleyball team needed it most and the motherland needed it most, she gave up her personal interests again and again, disregarded the gains and losses of honor and disgrace, resolutely moved to the front line, and shouldered the expectations and responsibilities of Chinese people.

A few ordinary scenes left a touching moment of this spirit: in the mid-1990s, Lang Ping returned from the other side of the ocean to teach the Chinese women's volleyball team in the low ebb. Among the crowd welcomed by the Capital Airport were her old comrades in arms who had won five consecutive titles in those years. She waved to them from afar, silently announcing the will to revitalize this heroic teacher. A few years ago, Chen Zhaodi, an old teammate, died. In his deep grief, Lang Ping firmly believed in returning to the Chinese women's volleyball team and continuing its glory. She can't forget that more than 30 years ago, it was Chen Zhaodi who endured the pain and fought hard with everyone to win the championship. What's more, she can't forget the fighting friendship of women's volleyball girls who vowed to "put the injured Chen Zhaodi on the podium" and share weal and woe. All these endow the spirit of women's volleyball team with fresh and realistic content and become Lang Ping's life will.

The Olympic field has always been the most intense competitive competition, but it is also a contest of spirit and will. Athletes' own potential and energy are often stimulated, uplifted, uplifted and majestic in the struggle to form a powerful force. Relying on the spirit and tenacity of "biting one point at a time" and "fighting one point at a time", the Chinese women's volleyball team has just bitten this hard battle, won the final victory and written a new legend. This is the victory and heroic song of the fighting spirit!

The Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship again in Rio has important enlightenment significance - in the current sports arena where training conditions and bonus treatment are increasingly advocated, the spirit of hard work is precious, never outdated, and must be carried forward!

The new heroic songs written by the Chinese women's volleyball team at the Olympic Games will inspire Chinese people to do their own work with down-to-earth efforts when they are moved to tears, and to join the era with little dedication.

The spirit of women's volleyball team is immortal! (End)

label: China volleyball Women's Volleyball Spirit spirit

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