路基cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide,accounting for more than2 million new cases diagnosed each year1个

新南威尔士CLC(SCLC)和非全日化cancer(NSCLC)2.NSCLC accounts for approximately85%of lung cancer diagnoses3.More people die of lung cancer every year than from any other cancer4个

目前,lung cancer remains at about20%,decreasing further when the disease is diagnosed at later stages5

Despite incredible advances in treatment over the past decade,overall survival remains low for people living with lung cancer.There is a need and an opportunity for new,effective,and safe modalities to continue to improve the outcomes for patients。

Andrea Myers单击功能区上,Global Program Head at Novartis

先进的Genetic Research

Advances in genetic research have revealed that NSCLC is not a single disease,but rather many types of cancer with specific genetic differences.Because of these small but important differences,lung cancer medicines that specific genes,such asanaplastic lymphokinase(ALK),can be developed.About2-7%of people with NSCLC have the ALK gene rearrangement。7

NSCLC重新定位ALK+advanced non-small cell lung cancer

Targeted medicine has changed the treatment of ALK+NSCLC by blocking the action of the altered ALK gene to help shrink or slow cancer growth.However,studies have shown that patients may experience disease progression,where their cancer may continue to grow or spread。7For patients with ALK+NSCLC,the most common sites of disease progression(or metasis)include brain,liver and bone.Brain metastases in particular can affect up to50%of patients with ALK+NSCLC。8个Today,there are targeted medicines available for patients who have experienced progression。



Lung cancer is not a single disease but one with great complexity.Each person with lung cancer has an individual experience that must be considered.Novartis committed to working with the scientific and medical communities to reimagine the treatment of lung cancer and pursue advances in medicine that could of sutend the suteal extendople living with lung cancer.We are tailoring patient treatment to not only help people live longer,but also to live better。

Anatomy Lungs Icon Blue

修复和维护吊挂式绞车and,andbiomarker测试in a way that leaves no patient behind。

电子Capsules Icon Blue

We are working to出口,出口炉膛和炉膛交流multiple modalitiesto,totackle this tough-to-treat cancer

Novartis is exploring驱动程序,驱动程序and,andmodalitiesacross multiple platforms including:

  • 目标共享–We are continuing our research into targeted therapies—including compounds that target difficult-to-treat mutations.These investigational therapies could provide new options for patients with no currently approved viable options。
  • Immunotherapies–We are driving immunotherapies forward with investigating checkpoint inhibitors。
  • Radioligand therapy–We’re working to harness the power of radioactive isotopes/particles through targeted radioligand therapy(RLT)to precisely target and deliver radiation to lung cancer。We believe this technology has the potential to become a major component of cancer care。

Lung Cancer Sound Up for Lung Cancer

Empowering lung cancer patients to speak up and have open conversations with their doctors。

In addition to driving groundbreaking science,Novartis is committed to supporting people with lung cancer and their caregivers.We believe empowering people living with lung cancer raises the volume on what’s truly important.When patients find the courage to talk about what they need, new possibilitys ripple through their lung cancer journeys which include:

  • Patient-centered care
  • Greater trust and satis faction with the care team
  • 对钢筋混凝土的加固加固
  • Potentially reduced health care costs6个

It is important that people living with lung cancer speak up and advocate for themselves to help ensure the best care.The lung cancer community plays an important role in providing people affected by lung cancer with the tools they need to advocate for themselves and the information they need to make cisisisions about their。

Jesme Fox单击功能区上,数控直行器,Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Novartis developedLung Cancer Sound Up for Lung Cancer单击功能区上,patient-inspired and community-led initiative that aims to empower people affected by lung cancer to advocate forthemselves by sharing their experiences and needs。


  1. World Health Organization.Cancer.Available at:https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/cancer.Accessed August92022。
  2. Lemjabbar-Alaoui H,Hassan O,Yang UW,et al.Lung cancer:biology and treatment options。Biochim Biophys Acta.2015;1856(2):189-210。
  3. American Cancer Society.About Lung Cancer.Available athttps://www.cancer.org/cancer/non-small-cell-lung-cancer/about/what-is-non-small-cell-lung-cancer.html.Accessed August92022。
  4. Siegel,RL,Miller,KD,Fuchs,H,Jemal,A.Cancer Statistics,2021。CA Cancer J Clin.2021;71:7-33。https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21654
  5. American Cancer Society.Lung Cancer Survival Rates。https://www.cancer.org/cancer/lung-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/survival-rates.html.Accessed August92022。
  6. Hagan TH,Rosenzweig M,Zorn K,et al.Perspectives on Self-Adocacy:Comparing Perceived Uses,Benefits,and Drawbacks Among Survivors and Providers.Oncol Nurs Forum.2017Jan3;44(1):52-59。doi:10.1188/17.ONF.52-59.PMID:28060470;PMCID:PMC5497683。
  7. National Comprehensive Cancer Network(NCCN)。NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology(NCCN Guidelines):Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer。NCCN2014:1-148
  8. Rangachari D,Yamaguchi N,VanderLaan PA.Brain metastases in patients with EGFR-mutated or ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancers.Lung Cancer.April2015;88(1):108-11。可用自:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25682925?dopt=Abstract