Introduction to Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors

The encyclopedia of famous doctors is the only health science popularization website designated by the Ministry of Health's Clinician Science Popularization Project. The purpose is to establish an authoritative, scientific and practical platform for the public to release and exchange health science knowledge. Some top three hospitals were selected to establish online science popularization expert studios for nearly 1000 experts with deputy senior titles or above.

Famous doctors talk about science popularization

Cai Baiqiang: Prevention of Respiratory Diseases

Frequent inhalation of silica, coal dust or cotton yarn fiber will lead to pulmonary fibrosis and aging, and is prone to silicosis, coal lung and pneumoconiosis. Try to avoid going to dusty places. If you have to go, you'd better clean the environment first and wear a dust mask at the same time.

Liu Peng: Chocolate protects the heart

Flavanol is a natural plant compound, which is one of the main reasons for bitter chocolate. Flavanol can maintain healthy blood flow by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the blood, and can also protect the heart health as an antioxidant.

Lin Yaoguang: What to do with childhood asthma

There are various risk factors for childhood asthma, some of which are determined by children themselves, and some of which are determined by the external environment. The symptoms, severity and clinical process of asthma caused by them are different. There are several factors influencing children's asthma.

Liu Xinyan: Do you need to have B-ultrasound for early pregnancy

At least one B-scan should be performed during early pregnancy, because B-scan can help diagnose early pregnancy and check the expected date of delivery, and can detect twin pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole as soon as possible.

Xiao Yi: What are the symptoms of lung cancer

In the early stage, it is often manifested as phlegm free, paroxysmal cough caused by irritating smell, which is very easy to be regarded as respiratory tract infection. When the large intraluminal tumor of the airway causes airway stenosis and obstruction, the cough turns to a persistent, high pitched metallic sound.

Tan Xianjie: Interpretation of Ovarian Tumor

The ovarian ovulation process of women's monthly menstruation is one of the culprits of destroying the ovary, and pregnancy is one of the best protection for the ovary. In a few months of pregnancy, the ovaries stop ovulating and recuperate.

Liu Zhengxin: What are the intestinal flora

Intestinal flora refers to the flora that is designated to be planted in the human intestinal tract and is interdependent with the human body for a long time, including more than 40 genera, 400 to 500 species of bacteria, with the number of 100 trillion, 10 times that of human body cells.

Yu Jinjin: How to prevent vaginitis

Frequently clean the vulva and anus, pay attention to the order when cleaning, wash the vulva first and then the anus, and never do the opposite. Towels and basins should be specially assigned, otherwise bacteria can easily invade the urethral orifice.

Xianghongding: mechanism of blood glucose regulation

The organs regulating blood sugar include: ① liver: regulating by storing and releasing glucose; ② Nervous system: It is regulated by the influence on food intake, carbohydrate intake, digestion, utilization and storage; ③ The endocrine system secretes many hormones.

Zhu Xiaolian: What should I do about postoperative pain

We know that patients will suffer from pain to varying degrees after surgery, which is often one of the reasons why many patients are afraid of surgery. So what is the cause of postoperative pain?

Cao Bin: Who should be vaccinated against influenza

Influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza and control its spread. Not only children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups need to be vaccinated, but also healthy adults need to be vaccinated.

Yang Yufei: Tips for treatment of colorectal cancer

How should I find a doctor after getting colorectal cancer? After the diagnosis, Western doctors (surgery, internal medicine, radiotherapy department) and Chinese doctors should be consulted at the same time, because in the whole process of cancer, comprehensive treatment is needed first, and there is no radical cure without surgery.

Liu Ju: Overweight is easy to cause cancer

Obesity is a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer and renal cancer. In other words, if your weight is significantly above the normal range, your risk of cancer will increase significantly.

Guo Huiqin: Health Tips for Smokers

In Japan, smokers over the age of 40 have their lung CT done every six months to screen for lung cancer. China's economic conditions are limited. The general population should take a chest film every year. Smokers over 40 years old should take a chest film every six months. It is best to take a plain CT scan of the lungs every year.

Liu Changwei: Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Sudden severe abdominal pain and/or low back pain, hypotension/shock, and abdominal pulsatile mass are classic clinical criteria for the diagnosis of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. However, only 26% of the patients clinically showed typical triad.

Chen Wei: What can diabetics eat

Check your daily recipes frequently to reduce the cooking methods that must use sucrose. Do not add sugar in tea, coffee and other drinks, and try not to drink drinks rich in sugar. Buy some sugar free cans or artificial sweetener products instead of sugar products.

East China: Cancer phobia is easy to cause cancer?

Fear of cancer is excessive fear of cancer, and the negative results of medical examination cannot dispel their doubts. This kind of psychology leads to restlessness and restlessness, which reduces the immune ability and affects the role of the immune system in recognizing and eliminating cancer cells.

Yu Jianchun: The Bad Result of Women's Becoming Fat

Too much fat in women with simple obesity will lead to the conversion of androgen into estrogen in the body, resulting in an increase in estrogen production. The amount of estrogen produced by obese women in this way is 2-5 times that of normal weight women.

Health Guide for Famous Doctors

Clinical Nutrition Yukang Some people have the misunderstanding that people with hyperuricemia or gout cannot drink beer, but they can drink other wines because beer contains purine and other wines do not. In fact, this idea is wrong. As long as alcohol is contained, even if it does not contain purine, it will reduce the excretion of uric acid in the body and increase the risk of hyperuricemia and gout. Therefore, every patient with hyperuricemia and gout must refuse any alcohol, not just beer
Xiehe Zhang Rongya Today is 11-17, World Preterm Birth Day. Preterm delivery refers to a live baby born between 28 and 37 weeks of gestation. However, with the progress of medical technology in NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit), some premature babies less than 28 weeks old can also be saved, even mini babies less than 25 weeks old and weighing less than 1 kg. But the precondition is that there is a highly skilled NICU. If it is inevitable that the premature baby will be born and she plans to rescue the premature baby with all her strength, the expectant mother must choose to go to the hospital with NICU for delivery.

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