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  • Disease name: dystocia
  • Part: Other
  • Department: Obstetrics
  • Symptoms and signs: Normal delivery depends on four major factors: labor force, birth canal, fetus and psychology. If any of the above factors is abnormal, so that the fetus can not be delivered through the vagina, and it needs to use midwifery technology or cesarean section to complete the delivery process, it is called "dystocia".
Disease Overview
Dystonia refers to an obstetric disease in which the opening period of labor (the first stage), especially the fetal expulsion period (the second stage), is significantly prolonged due to various reasons. Without artificial midwifery, it is difficult or impossible for the mother to expel the fetus. View Details
clinical manifestation
Normal delivery depends on the four major factors of labor force, birth canal, fetus and psychology. If any of the above factors is abnormal, so that the fetus cannot be delivered through the vagina, and the midwifery technology or cesarean section is required to complete the delivery process, it is called "dystocia". View Details
disease control
In the process of delivery, comfort the lying in women, increase their confidence, ensure the intake of nutrition and water, and replenish fluids when necessary. View Details

The doctor said

Li Qiang
Head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

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With the improvement of life quality, a disease called "silent killer" has crept into our life

Wen Shaojun
Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University

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