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peas and beans

Beans generally refer to all kinds of beans that can produce Pods Of Legume [1] It has a wide range of varieties, rich nutrition, and is cultivated all over the world. In recent years, beans have become more and more popular because of their high nutritional value and good taste.
Chinese name
peas and beans

cultivation techniques


Rotation and intercropping

Legumes are intolerant of continuous cropping, and the growth of legumes is affected due to the inhibition of the growth of rhizobia due to the multiplication of bacteriophages. At the same time, the disease and insect pests are aggravated, and the yield and quality are reduced. Therefore, legume crops must be rotated to obtain high yield. The suitable preceding crops for legumes are cereal crops Potato crops And cotton [10]

soil preparation

The requirements for soil preparation are not strict. Generally, soil is fine, but clay loam or loam with thick soil layer, rich in organic matter and calcium, good drainage, good permeability, and soil pH of 6.8-7.5 is the most suitable. Summer soybeans are generally ploughed about 10 cm after wheat harvest, and then raked for sowing. The root system of pea is weak in extension, and has a good response to deep ploughing. Deep ploughing and raking for border before sowing can make the seedlings healthy and enhance the cold resistance. Broad bean is a deep rooted crop, which grows well in loose and fertile soil and has high yield. Therefore, autumn or spring ploughing should be carried out, and the ploughing depth should be 20 cm [10]


Sowing includes seed selection, seed drying, determination of sowing date, sowing amount and other technical links.
① Seed selection and seed drying: before sowing, seed selection is an important step to ensure the integrity and strength of seedlings. Large and plump seeds should be selected. Insect seeds and withered seeds should be removed. Wind selection, water selection or salt water selection can be carried out. Drying seeds before sowing can promote seed vigor, improve germination rate and enhance germination potential [10]
② Determine sowing date: soybean, mung bean and cowpea can be sown in spring and summer. Spring sowing is generally conducted when the average ground temperature is above 10 ℃, and summer sowing is conducted after wheat harvest. Grasping the time to rush seed and sowing early is an effective measure to increase production. Peas and broad beans can be sown in autumn and spring. The autumn sowing in the south is roughly the same time as that of wheat, and the spring sowing in the north is mostly in the first ten days of March. The sowing depth of legumes is generally 3-5 cm [10]
③ Sowing amount and reasonable close planting: the row spacing of summer soybeans is generally 30~40cm, the sowing amount per hectare is generally 60~75kg, and 210000~270000 seedlings remain. For late maturing seeds, fertile land and early sowing date, the reserved seedlings are less, and on the contrary, the reserved seedlings are more dense [10]

Field management

Field management includes seedling supplement and thinning Intertillage weeding Fertilize, water and strengthen pest control.
① Replenishment and thinning: legume crops shall be checked in time after sowing, and reseeding or transplanting shall be carried out in time in case of missing seeds or missing seedlings. The timely seedling is an effective measure to ensure a uniform and strong seedling and realize reasonable close planting. Generally, the seedlings are thinned when the first compound leaf grows out, and the seedlings are fixed in time when the second compound leaf grows out [10]
② Intercropping and weeding: Intercropping can prevent drought and conserve moisture, loosen soil, eliminate weeds, and sow beans in summer. Intercropping should be done early rather than late, and generally 2-3 times during the growth period [10]
③ Fertilization: Leguminous crops absorb more nutrient elements during the growth period, and have high requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. 1/2-2/3 of nitrogen required by legumes is provided by rhizobia. Therefore, legumes will not show nitrogen deficiency when rhizobia perform strong nitrogen fixation. At this time, excessive nitrogen application will lead to overgrowth, inhibiting the formation of rhizobia and nitrogen fixation. However, it is necessary to apply appropriate nitrogen fertilizer to legume crops at the beginning of seedling emergence, because when the first few true leaves appear after the emergence of legume crops, the nitrogen in the seeds has been exhausted, while the rhizobia at this time not only does not have nitrogen fixation, but also needs the nitrogen provided by the host plants. The application of phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is very important for legume crops, because not only crops need a lot of phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, but also rhizobia need a lot of phosphorus and potassium elements [10]
④ Watering: ensure water supply during flowering, pod setting and grain filling [10]
⑤ Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

Nutritional analysis



peas and beans
The main nutrients in beans include carbohydrate , protein and fat, etc. The protein in beans is an important component of beans.
① Protein: 8 kinds of bean protein needed by human body essential amino acid Content vs FAO The ideal value suggested by FAO is quite reasonable. The bean protein has a good amino acid composition pattern, rich in glutamic acid, alanine and aspartic acid, and high in lysine, but methionine And tryptophan( Sulfur-containing amino acid )The content is low, while some grains contain high sulfur amino acid content and low lysine content. Therefore, some cereal foods can be properly matched while eating beans, which can play a complementary role in protein, thus improving the nutritional value of food [2]
② Fat: soybeans and black beans have high oil content, while other beans except soybeans and black beans, such as kidney beans, have low oil content, but their fatty acid composition pattern is good Polyunsaturated fatty acids Mainly including linoleic acid, linolenic acid, etc [2]
③ Vitamin: beans contain vitamin A vitamin B vitamin C vitamin E
④ Minerals: Different beans contain different minerals, such as iron in soybeans and calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium in kidney beans.
⑤ Dietary fiber: Beans contain dietary fiber, which is good for your health.
⑥ Pigment: soybean isoflavone is Flavonoids Flavonoids are plant pigments. Soybean isoflavone It is formed during the growth of soybean Secondary metabolites It can make up for women over 30 years old estrogen Deficiency of secretion, improve skin moisture and elasticity, alleviate Climacteric syndrome And improvement osteoporosis The estrogen effect of soybean isoflavones affects hormone secretion, metabolic biological activity protein synthesis , growth factor activity, natural Cancer chemoprevention agent [3]

antinutritional factor

Bean food is rich in nutrition, but some anti nutritional factors contained in it reduce the bioavailability of soybean and other beans. If the cooking process is reasonable, these anti nutritional factors can be effectively removed.
① Protease inhibitor: It can inhibit trypsin Chymotrypsin Pepsin Trypsin is the most common enzyme. For human body Trypsin The activity of soybean milk can partially inhibit the digestion and absorption of protein, resulting in adverse gastrointestinal reactions. If you drink undercooked soybean milk, you will have diarrhea. Destruction of pancreas Protease inhibitor The effective method is to heat it with normal pressure steam for 30 minutes, or 1 kg pressure steam for 15-20 minutes. Soak soybeans in water to 60% water content and steam them for 5 min. The heat resistance of urine enzymes in soybean Trypsin inhibitor It is strong, and the urine enzyme determination method is simple, so the urine enzyme reaction is often used to determine whether the trypsin inhibitor in soybean is damaged [4]
② Lectin: soybeans, broad beans, mung beans, string beans, lentils, concanavalin and other beans also contain a red blood cell Agglutinated protein, called plant Erythrocyte agglutinin If beans containing lectin are eaten before being destroyed by heating, it will cause nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of the eater, and even death in serious cases. Lectin is a kind of glycoprotein It can be deactivated by steam treatment for 1 hour under normal pressure or high-pressure steam treatment for 15 minutes [5]
③ Phytic acid: Like other plant foods, soybean contains phytic acid. Phytic acid can chelate with copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and other elements, making these nutrients unable to be effectively utilized. However, if the soybean is properly germinated, for example, soaked with water at room temperature of 19-25 ℃ for 3 days to promote its germination, then the phytase activity in the bean sprout is greatly increased and phytic acid is decomposed, free amino acid Vitamin C is increased, and these changes make the elements originally chelated by phytic acid released and become available to the human body [6]
Lipoxygenase : Soybean and its products have an inherent beany smell, mainly because they contain lipoxygenase. Heat at 95 ℃ for 10-15 minutes; Evaporation under reduced pressure after ethanol treatment; passivation Lipoxygenase in soybean; Some beany smell can be removed by deodorization with enzymes or microorganisms [7]


Legume crop They are mainly soybeans, broad beans, red beans, mung beans, soybeans, black beans, cowpeas, peas, concanavalin, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, pigeonpea, etc. Here are some details.
1. Red bean: It has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening spleen and stomach, diuresis, detumescence, ventilation and dispelling annoyance, and can be treated Inadequate urination , edema due to spleen deficiency, beriberi, etc., Li Shizhen called red beans "Valley of Heart" [1]
2. Mung bean: rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, it can lower blood pressure, and has good effects on fatigue, swelling, and poor urination [1]
3. Soybean (also called soybean): It is rich in protein, fat, lecithin and vitamins. Compared with other foods, protein alone is twice as much as lean meat, twice as much as eggs, and twice as much as milk. Sophoroside in soybean can delay human aging; The content of phosphorus in soybeans is considerable, which is very beneficial to brain nerves. People with neurasthenia and weak physique can often eat it; Soybean pair iron-deficiency anemia Patient benefits [1]
4. Black beans: black beans are sweet and mild, and have the effects of tonifying the kidney, promoting blood circulation, promoting diuresis, and detoxification. They are especially suitable for people with kidney deficiency. Black beans are rich in nutrition, and are known as "the king of beans" and "the flower of nutrition" [1]
5. Pea: It has the effect of tonifying the middle and benefiting qi, and facilitating urination. It is anal prolapse Chronic diarrhea , Uterine prolapse and other symptoms of lack of qi diet products. Peas are rich in β- Carotene After eating, it can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which can moisturize the skin. People with dry skin should eat more. But it should be noted that eating too many peas is easy to cause abdominal distension, indigestion People should not eat in large quantities [1]
6. Kidney beans: sweet in taste, warm in nature, have the effects of warming the middle and lower qi, benefiting the intestines and stomach, stopping hiccups, tonifying the kidney and invigorating the vitality, etc. It is suitable for patients with heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, etc. who need low sodium and low potassium diet. Kidney beans also contain saponins, urease, various globulins and other unique ingredients, which have the functions of improving the human body's own immune ability, enhancing disease resistance, activating lymphoid T cells, promoting the synthesis of DNA, and inhibiting the development of tumor cells. Therefore, it has attracted the attention of the medical community. When eating, it must be cooked thoroughly, otherwise it will cause poisoning [1]
seven Broad bean : Broad bean is sweet and smooth, and has the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, especially suitable for Spleen asthenia People with diarrhea should take it. But broad beans should not be eaten raw or eaten more to prevent abdominal distension. It is particularly important to note that a few people will become acute after eating broad beans Hemolytic anemia , also known as "broad bean yellow disease", should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible [8]
eight Chickpea : Compared with other beans, chickpea has a particularly prominent therapeutic effect. It is abundant in Xinjiang, China. It is named after the shape of beans that resemble eagle heads. It has antidiarrheal, detoxification, physical strengthening and other functions. It is rich in isoflavones, chickpea sprouts and other active ingredients and dietary fiber. It has hypoglycemic effect and can also be used to treat bronchitis , mucositis, constipation, dysentery, flatulence skin Itch , diabetes Hyperlipidemia And other diseases. In addition, chickpeas also contain rich anti-inflammatory functional factors. People with inflammation should drink more chickpeas porridge [9]

Food nutrition

Food name peas and beans
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 97 kcal
protein 5 g
Fat 1 g
Saturated fatty acid 0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.6 g
carbohydrate 16.9 g
sugar 5.3 g
dietary fiber 4.2 g
folic acid twenty-six μ g
sodium 725 mg
magnesium 45 mg
phosphorus 154 mg
potassium 450 mg
calcium 31 mg
iron 1.9 mg
zinc 2 mg
vitamin A one μ g
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.04 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.15 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 0.36 mg
Vitamin B6 0.27 mg
Vitamin B12 zero point zero one μ g
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 1.7 mg
vitamin E 0.21 mg
vitamin K zero point four μ g

data statistics

On December 11, 2023, the announcement of the National Bureau of Statistics on the grain production data in 2023 shows that the sown area of beans in 2023 will be 119942000 hectares; The total output is 23.841 million tons; The yield per unit area is 1987.7 kg/ha. [11]