Recently, the gravatar avatar server cannot be accessed in China to install the WP China Yes plug-in

WordPress eighteen 2.3K Reading mode

It seems that recently, the gravatar avatar server is completely inaccessible in China, including some methods of caching avatar images to the local. Because it was slow to access the gravatar avatar server in the past, now it is simply inaccessible and unable to download avatar images to the local.

The easiest way is to install WP China Yes plug-in To solve the problem, go to the plug-in settings page and check "Global" in the accelerated G family avatar settings.


 Recently, the gravatar avatar server cannot be accessed in China to install the WP China Yes plug-in

Calling avatar with Gravatar avatar image server

Other methods for gravatar avatar image server to obtain avatar:

Add the following code to the current topic function template functions.php:

 add_filter('get_avatar', function ($avatar) { return str_replace([ '', '', '', '', '', '' ], '', $avatar); });

By replacing the default avatar server address with add_filter, you can modify other image server addresses.

This method can enable the front and back end to use the gravatar avatar image server at the same time, and the code is taken from the wp china yes plug-in.

Address of gravatar avatar image server provided by other netizens:



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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments eighteen    Visitors fourteen    Author four
    •  I'm song.
      I'm song. two

      Just when I found out that I was going to ask, the boss gave me the answer,

      • one

        Thank you. This problem happens on my 300 meter commercial operation website. Find a solution here

        •  Starting point of trace wind
          Starting point of trace wind zero

          Press this setting, it is still the same, not displayed

          •  Cost circle
            Cost circle four


            •  cyclists
              cyclists one

              I have set up gravatar avatar service. Welcome to use it

                •  Robin

                  @ cyclists Thanks for providing, which has been added to the article

                •  Notes of Daddy Building Website
                  Notes of Daddy Building Website four

                  The simplest thing is not to display the avatar

                  •  Every day
                    Every day one

                    Thanks~~has been modified

                    •  Contract network (3ds5)
                      Contract network (3ds5) one

                      Thank you for sharing, thank you webmaster!!

                      •  Li
                        Li zero

                        You can disable it directly. Install the WP User Avatar plug-in, and use the pictures in the WordPress media library as the default avatar. No acceleration.

                        •  oral cavity
                          oral cavity one

                          Very powerful

                          •  jack
                            jack one

                            I used the Gravatar Fixed plug-in to change the address to the avatar server address built by others.

                            •  Robin

                              This avatar is meaningless for stations with few comments

                              •  Peerless villain
                                Peerless villain three

                                I was very happy to see Uncle Bird help write a promotion article.

                                With regard to the problem that Gravatar's avatar cannot be accessed, we have currently launched the most thorough solution: Cravatar

                                Cravatar is fully compatible with Gravatar's API specification and supports users to upload and share avatars.

                                As a special adaptation to the Chinese environment, Cravatar supports the return of QQ avatars when users do not set Cravatar avatars and Gravatar avatars. According to our current statistics, about 1/3 of the visitors are QQ mailboxes, and most of these visitors are Xiaobai, who almost do not have Gravatar avatars, At this point, the features provided by Cravatar can match their accurate avatar display.

                                Any developer and user can integrate Cravatar in their own products and websites. This service will also be maintained for a long time as part of our plan to localize WordPress. At present, the node of WP China Yes has been running steadily for more than a year.

                                In the past, it was easy to solve this problem through counter generation. Gravatar must have a reason for being blocked, which may be related to the Yellow River or politics. When we counter generation it to China, we are spreading these things. As Cravatar is a self built service, it has the ability to manually audit all avatars to filter out these black sheep, so as to ensure that the service can operate stably for a long time without being checked by the public security from time to time.


                                •  cyclists
                                  cyclists one

                                  I changed the node of gravatar avatar. The previous domain name is no longer used, but changed to
                                  Although will be redirected to, the old domain name will be valid until 2025, when it will be officially disabled. Please revise it.



                                Anonymous netizens
                                 :?:  :razz:  :sad:  :evil:  :!:  :smile:  :oops:  :grin:  :eek:  :shock:  :???:  :cool:  :lol:  :mad:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :idea:  :arrow:  :neutral:  :cry:  :mrgreen:

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