CloudAccelerator Baidu Online Disk Downloader


Wall crack recommend this software! Online disk download is a great man.


The download speed of CloudAccelerator is so stable that it seems that there is no such thing as a hot or cold resource in its eyes. Whether I play a very old psp game rom or a popular movie resource, the download speed can always reach more than ten megabytes per second (4G).

It's very convenient to use it on my mobile phone. I basically load and unload things on my mobile phone and then transfer them to my computer. 💡

The software interface is also very clear and simple.

The method of use is also very simple, so it is not wordy.

In the latest update, the author also added the function of dithering HD video download.

The only disadvantage of CloudAccelerator is that there are some bugs in the software itself, such as flash back, sometimes the download progress gets stuck, but it is still downloading, and the speed is still fast. However, these are accidental phenomena, and on the whole, the shortcomings do not outweigh the merits.


The version number when uploading is 1.3.1, and the author may update it in the future, so it is better to update it in the application.

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