WordPress merge compression JS, CSS, HTML speed plug-in Autooptimize

WordPress is a blogging program for free now. To be honest, if WordPress does not do some optimization processing, the speed of opening in China is really not good, and the program load capacity is also not good. Therefore, how to use WP must optimize WordPress.

This year, Xianba will share a plugin used for WordPress optimization for many years: Autooptimize. The WP Autooptimize plug-in can combine and compress JS, CSS, and HTML to speed up WP.

WordPress is also convenient to install Autooptimize. You can directly search for Autooptimize in the WP background for installation, and then activate it. In terms of setting, it is recommended to adopt the default setting of Autooptimize.

Friendly reminder: If your WP theme uses Google font, you can remove the Google font in the "extra" setting, which will also load the domestic access speed.

Autooptimize plug-in address: https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/

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Author: Leisure Bar
Link: https://www.xianba.net/4987.html
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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