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How to improve website ranking naturally? Sharing of formal white hat optimization techniques

ZTOL SEO Tutorial 2022-05-21 nine hundred and seventy-nine zero

The keyword ranking of the website is the main purpose of our website. With more keywords on the home page, we can get more natural search traffic

For enterprise websites, higher ranking means more accurate customers will come to consult. If your website is of good quality, you can often retain users and get conversion

Then why should we mention the formal optimization operation? Because optimizing a website is not immediately effective. Some cheating methods often have an effect in the early stage. When it comes to the back, you can directly pull your legs. Don't treat the search engine as a fool

1. High content value

Why do we always say that website content is often the key to ranking, even now it is still the era of "content is king"

(1) High quality content makes it easier to retain customers and fundamentally solve users' problems

(2) Relevant content can attract users to click, and popular articles, as we often say, are relevant content

(3) The essence of high-quality content is actually content recognized by search engines, not necessarily original content

2. Basic optimization operation

(1) The layout of the website TDK and the layout of the keywords correspond to their own keyword types and are placed on the home page

(2) Robots file, layout operation of nofollow, and binding and detection of search resource platform

(3) Deadlink submission, website content filling and 404 page production, website static or pseudo static, convenient for spiders to crawl

3. Layout of inner and outer chains

(1) The inner chain is what we can often see on the website, such as breadcrumb navigation, related search, etc., and can also be added to articles

(2) The external chain, in short, means that we publish the links of our own websites on various platforms, but the junk external chain should not be published

(3) Friendly links. Don't listen to others saying that only 1-2 websites can be changed every day. There is no such saying at all. It's normal for me to change 10 websites every day

4. Search resource platform

(1) API submission, sitemap submission, and manual submission. If you have the right to quickly include, you will make a fortune and quickly include

(2) Deadlink submission and test robots files, view daily traffic and capture frequency, and analyze websites

(3) Feedback must be useful. It is very helpful for you to naturally optimize the ranking by checking Baidu's comments on your website


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