Cica Geneus®E.coli POT KIT


Escherichia coli is distributed in environment widely。
在该区域内,it often causes outbreaks such as food poisoning and
nosocomial infection。Then,infection management practices are important。
The PCR-based ORF Typing(POT)is a molecular epidemiological method which can
identify international clones and distinguish isolates with strain level。Genotypes of
isolates can be obtained using only PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis。


●This POT method developed by Dr.Suzuki of Fujita health University,
it’samolecular epidemiological method which can identify and distinguish
isolates with strain-level。
●This POT method can compare the homogeny between strains by digitizing
(replace to POT types)anelectrocataphoresis result。
●Nearly the same discriminability as the pulsed field gel electrophoresis(PFGE)。
●Required for the examination time is approximately4hours。

Brochure&POT value calculation sheet

Brochure:Cica Geneus E.coli POT KIT

POT value calculation sheet(Staph)


E-mail Inquiry Form

Inquiry Form

