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Zblog topic Pure blog topic: vue+applet dual version Tianxing Studio

 Pure blog topic: vue+applet dual version
  • apply name Pure blog topic: vue+applet dual version
  • App ID tx_pyq
  • Application Author Tianxing Studio
  • system requirements Z-BlogPHP 1.7.0 Tenet
  • PHP version 5.6 and higher

Application Introduction

It is 2024 and the web is dying. I haven't written anything in my personal blog for a long time. In this bad situation, it really needs a lot of motivation to open the website backstage with a computer to type and publish an article

A while ago, IDC reminded me that the blog domain name will be renewed. Looking at the 108 domain name renewal fee a year, think about the various small apps on the mobile phone. It's really a waste of time for a personal blog to specialize in a domain name. I simply spent a little time writing this pure blog template with vue3 [similar to the style of WeChat friends circle], and then spent a little time making a WeChat applet version.

In this way, you can bind a secondary domain name randomly. You only need to set a configuration item in the background of the PC website, and then you can easily send some complaints, photos, personal feelings and other things on the mobile phone.

This is the origin of this template.

Template introduction:

1. The web side calls the api interface and writes it in vue3 SEO There are no classified articles and other pages, and all data are displayed and interacted on the home page;

2. Support front comment reply, search, login, and publish articles;

3. One button switch in dark mode is supported;

4. Support interface user-defined color matching;

5. The uploaded pictures are automatically compressed, and can be uploaded directly after the phone takes a picture;

6. The WeChat applet version comes with you. Please contact us to obtain the front-end file after purchase [excluding applet building, etc.];

Template demo address:

PC side:

Scan the code on the mobile phone to see the demo:

 Pure blog theme: vue+applet dual version page 1

WeChat applet has not been launched yet, please see the following demo screenshot;

Screenshot of template demonstration:

Home page:

 Pure blog topic: vue+applet double version page 2


 Pure blog theme: vue+applet double version page 3


 Pure blog theme: vue+applet double version page 4