Eight Crises Wen Tiejun

 Download Wen Tiejun's e-book of The Eight Crises

Author: Wen Tiejun
Publishing House: Oriental Publishing House
Subtitle: China's Real Experience
Publication year: January 1, 2013
Pages: 300
Price: 55.00 yuan
Binding: paperback
ISBN: 9787506055574

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Content introduction: "In people's common ideology, China has not had an economic crisis, and it is impossible to have an economic crisis. At most, it can only be regarded as economic fluctuation, not crisis. But the author believes that China has not only had an economic crisis. In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been eight economic crises, all of which are related to the phased characteristics of national industrialization: under the constraint of the basic institutional contradictions of the "urban-rural" binary opposition, the institutional costs of industrialization, urbanization and the reform of the entire system have been shifted to the "three rural areas", Therefore, the city's industrial capital can achieve "soft landing", and the original system can be maintained; The crisis that cannot be directly transferred to the countryside will lead to the "hard landing" of industrial capital in cities, and trigger major changes in government finance, taxation, finance and even the entire economic system. The Chinese government has recognized the important role of the "three rural issues" in the entire national economy, so in 2005, it took the "new rural construction" as a national strategy, and continuously increased trillions of investment to absorb tens of millions of "non-agricultural" jobs. Finally, it successfully responded to the global economic crisis in 2009 and achieved a "soft landing". The main point of this book is: "Jin... (unfolds all), brief introduction to the content:" In people's common ideology, China has not had an economic crisis, and it is impossible to have an economic crisis, which can only be regarded as economic fluctuations, not crises. But the author believes that China has not only had an economic crisis. In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been eight economic crises, all of which are related to the phased characteristics of national industrialization: under the constraint of the basic institutional contradictions of the "urban-rural" binary opposition, the institutional costs of industrialization, urbanization and the reform of the entire system have been shifted to the "three rural areas", Therefore, the city's industrial capital can achieve "soft landing" and the original system can be maintained; The crisis that cannot be directly transferred to the countryside will lead to the "hard landing" of industrial capital in cities, and trigger major changes in government finance, taxation, finance and even the entire economic system. The Chinese government has recognized the important role of the "three rural issues" in the entire national economy, so in 2005, it took the "new rural construction" as a national strategy, and continuously increased trillions of investment to absorb tens of millions of "non-agricultural" jobs. Finally, it successfully responded to the global economic crisis in 2009 and achieved a "soft landing". The main point of this book is that the global crisis caused by the "financial tsunami" is not only caused by the "financialized bubble economy", but also by the western modern political system with the "high cost push up" mechanism after accumulating a large number of national debts. Therefore, Chinese people should take a warning, Deepen the understanding of the law of capitalist crisis and the internal chaos caused by it, as well as the external geopolitical fascism trend. Only by reviving the ecological civilization and maintaining the internalization of the local society to deal with the external risks of comprehensive cooperation and autonomy, can China avoid repeating the modernization crisis of excessive debt. "He was born in Beijing in May 1951. He is currently the dean and professor of the School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China, director of the Rural Construction Center, executive director of the Institute of Higher Studies on Sustainable Development, and director of the China Rural Economy and Finance Research Center. He also served as a member of the 6th Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, a provincial and ministerial policy expert from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Forestry Administration, Beijing, Fujian and other provinces, and a Chinese agricultural expert economics Vice President. He has successively undertaken a number of national major and key projects and served as the chief expert of many national, provincial and ministerial key projects. He has won the certificate of "expert with special government allowance" issued by the State Council, the first prize of the Ministry of Agriculture for scientific and technological progress, the "CCTV annual economic figure award", the title of "Chinese environmental ambassador", the first prize of Beijing Municipal Education and Teaching Achievements and other provincial and ministerial level awards.

About the author

Born in Beijing in May 1951. He is currently the dean and professor of the School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China, the director of the Rural Construction Center, the executive director of the Institute of Higher Studies of Sustainable Development, and the director of the China Rural Economy and Finance Research Center. He also served as a member of the 6th Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, a provincial and ministerial policy expert from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Forestry Administration, Beijing, Fujian and other provinces, and a Chinese agricultural expert economics Vice President., He has successively undertaken a number of national major and key projects and served as the chief expert of many national, provincial and ministerial key projects. He has won the certificate of "expert with special government allowance" issued by the State Council, the first prize of the Ministry of Agriculture for scientific and technological progress, the "CCTV annual economic figure award", the title of "Chinese environmental ambassador", the first prize of Beijing Municipal Education and Teaching Achievements and other provincial and ministerial level awards.

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