Hologres (original interactive analysis)
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Hologres is a one-stop real-time data warehouse engine, which supports real-time writing, real-time updating and real-time analysis of massive data, supports standard SQL (compatible with PostgreSQL protocol), supports petabyte level data multidimensional analysis (OLAP) and ad hoc analysis (Ad Hoc), supports high concurrency and low latency online data services (Serving), and is deeply integrated with MaxCompute, Flink and DataWorks, Provide off line integrated whole stack digital warehouse solution.

Product advantages

One stop real-time data warehouse
Focus on real-time scenarios
Data is written and updated in real time, which is visible when written. It is integrated with Flink natively, and supports real-time data warehouse development with high throughput, low latency, and models to meet the real-time requirements of business insight.
Sub second interactive analysis
It supports sub second interactive analysis of massive data without pre calculation, and supports multidimensional analysis, ad hoc analysis, exploratory analysis, and MaxCompute accelerated analysis to meet the WYSIWYG analysis experience.
Unified data service export
It supports multiple scenarios such as multi-dimensional analysis, high-performance spot check, and data retrieval, supports load isolation, simplifies data architecture, unifies data access interfaces, and practices integration of analysis services (HSAP).
Open ecology
Standard SQL protocol, seamless connection between mainstream BI and SQL development framework, without application rewriting. It supports data lake scenarios, semi-structured data such as JSON, and simple warehousing of OSS and DLF.

Product Functions

Building enterprise level real-time data warehouse and real-time data middle platform
Multi scenario query analysis Support row storage, column storage and other storage modes and multiple kinds of indexes, and meet the diversified analysis and query needs of simple query, complex query, Ad Hoc query and so on. Using large-scale parallel processing architecture, distributed SQL processing, high resource utilization, rapid analysis of massive data, and best practice of Hybrid Serving/Analytical Processing (HSAP).
Sub second interactive analysis (OLAP) The scalable MPP architecture is used for full parallel computing, which gives full play to the maximum computing power of the CPU to the quantization operator. ORC format lists optimized indexes, SSD storage optimizes IO, and supports sub second interactive analysis experience of PB level data.
High performance primary key service The primary key index based on the row storage table and the short path optimization of the query engine support hundreds of thousands of QPS high-performance service type spot checks per second, support high throughput updates, and improve the performance of the open source system by more than 10 times.
Federated query, appearance acceleration Seamless connection to MaxCompute, no data movement required, supports transparent appearance to accelerate BI access, supports correlation analysis of cold and hot data, supports high-speed synchronization of data at millions of levels per second, supports OSS appearance reading and writing, and simplifies data warehousing into the lake.
Cloud native real-time data warehouse In view of the frequent updating and agile processing of real-time data warehouse data, it analyzes the characteristics of flexible self-help, supports highly concurrent real-time writing and updating, supports transaction isolation and atomicity, and data can be checked after being written.
High throughput real-time write and update It is natively integrated with Flink, Spark and other computing frameworks. Through the built-in connector, it supports real-time writing and updating of high-throughput data, multiple scenarios of source tables, result tables, dimension tables, and complex operations such as multi stream consolidation.
WYSIWYG development Data can be queried immediately after being written in real time. It supports DB, Schema and Table three-level systems, view view, update/delete natively, rich expression capabilities such as association, nesting and window, and semi-structured JSON data.
Full link event driven It supports the Binlog transmission capability of table update events, and uses Flink to consume Hologres Binlog to realize real-time development of the full link between data warehouse levels. On the premise of meeting hierarchical governance, it can shorten the end-to-end delay of data processing.
Enterprise level operation and maintenance Storage and computing separation architecture, computing and storage independent elastic scaling, support computing load, access rights and other fine-grained control requirements, provide rich monitoring and alarm, support system hot upgrade, and meet enterprise level safe and reliable operation and maintenance requirements.
data security It supports fine-grained access control policies, BYOK data storage encryption and data desensitization, data protection umbrella, IP white list, RAM, STS, independent account and other authentication systems, and passes PCI-DSS security authentication.
Load isolation Support load isolation based on resource groups, isolate different business requirements, different query types, write and read and other resource competition scenarios, and ensure the continuous stability of the system.
High reliability design Multiple computing instances form a highly reliable deployment mode. Instances share storage, support fault isolation and high availability of online services, and support rapid and automatic recovery of failed nodes. The storage and calculation are separated, and the resources are expanded independently, without the need for local disks. Pangu three copies are highly reliable and redundant storage.
Ecology and scalability It is compatible with PostgreSQL ecology and seamlessly connects with big data computing engine and big data intelligent research and development platform DataWorks. No additional learning is required, and you can start to develop immediately.
Compatible with PostgreSQL ecosystem It is compatible with PostgreSQL ecosystem, provides JDBC/ODBC interface, and easily interfaces with third-party ETL and BI tools, including QuickBI, DataV, Tableau, Fansoft, etc. Support GIS spatial data analysis.
DataWorks development integration It is deeply integrated with DataWorks, provides graphical, intelligent, one-stop digital warehouse building and interactive analysis service tools, and supports enterprise level capabilities such as data assets, data kinship, data real-time synchronization, and data services.
Dharma Hall Proxima vector retrieval Closely combined with the machine learning platform PAI, it has a built-in Proxima vector retrieval plug-in of the Dharma Institute, which supports online real-time feature storage, real-time recall, and vector retrieval.

Application scenarios

Help business take off quickly
E-commerce: real-time recommendation and precision marketing
Social networking on the Internet: real-time multidimensional analysis
Logistics: real-time order analysis and real-time monitoring
Internet service: data middle platform and real-time large screen
Real time precision marketing based on traffic data
With the gradual disappearance of traffic dividends and the rapid rise of innovation costs, the business development of a cross-border e-commerce company needs to gradually transform from the original barbaric growth. The original traditional Lambda architecture is complex, unable to support the multidimensional indicator fine-grained analysis, and unable to achieve the goal of refined operation. Through real-time digital warehouse upgrade, it has steadily supported the Double 11 over the years, saved nearly 50% of costs, improved efficiency by 300%, and achieved real-time precision marketing.
Scenario advantages
Real time service recommendation
Replace HBase with Hologres row storage table, Flink links Hologres dimension table in real time, generates user tags in real time, helps business real-time operation decision-making, and real-time users reach and recommend.
Flexible multidimensional analysis
The standard SQL syntax fully supports the complex multidimensional analysis demands of refined operation. The data processing delay is accelerated from 3 hours to real-time. The multi table association join returns in seconds, and the traffic matching efficiency is improved by 300%.
50% cost savings
The Flink+Hologres architecture supports multiple business scenarios, with flexible capacity expansion, simpler operation and maintenance, and effective resource savings of nearly 50%.
Recommended combination
Real time multidimensional analysis based on user log data
An Internet social networking company used to conduct real-time multi-dimensional analysis by building its own ClickHouse, but with business growth, recommendation business needs to adjust strategies and update models in a more real-time manner in typical OLAP analysis scenarios to achieve the purpose of recall and refined operation. By replacing the self built ClickHouse with Hologres, the whole link refined operation is built to meet the complex exploratory analysis under the ABTest scenario.
Scenario advantages
High real-time update efficiency
Instead of the self built ClickHouse, Hologres has a primary key, which can accurately remove duplicates, and is deeply integrated with Flink. It supports high throughput real-time write and update.
Easily query large amounts of data
Compared with the self built ClickHouse, it can easily conduct real-time multi-dimensional analysis on 7 or even 15 days' data and 100 billion level data to meet different business query requirements.
Operation and maintenance free
Hologres storage and computing are separated, and storage and computing resources are expanded independently. It can easily store 15 days of data, dynamically expand and shrink capacity, and avoid operation and maintenance. It only needs to focus on business development.
Recommended combination
Real time order analysis and real-time monitoring based on logistics data
The big data department of a freight logistics company has been exploring the construction of a new generation of digital warehouse, but has not made a great breakthrough, unable to make data play a greater value. The new generation of real-time data warehouse established by Hologres replaces the original ES, HBase and other architectures, and solves the problems of slow real-time analysis of tens of millions of order data and difficult real-time logistics scheduling of millions of freight drivers.
Scenario advantages
Flexible analysis of order data
The design reduces dimension degradation, supports real-time multidimensional analysis of ten million order data, and improves business query flexibility and development efficiency.
The delivery efficiency has been improved from a few days to a few minutes
Instead of HBase, Hologres provides online services to monitor logistics and warehouse abnormalities in real time and improve the stability of monitoring services and logistics delivery efficiency.
Unified data service outlet reduces architecture redundancy
Real time and offline are integrated into a set of architecture, sharing a single data, unifying data service outlets, improving data processing timeliness, and reducing architecture redundancy.
Recommended combination
Real time large screen and data middle platform based on business log
An Internet service company used to build real-time data warehouse through Greenplum and EMR offline architecture, but the timeliness of data update was poor, and it was unable to grasp business dynamics in real time. In order to meet the user growth demand of the whole scenario, Flink+Hologres new generation real-time data warehouse is used to build a real-time large screen and data middle platform system based on business log data to accelerate knowledge data exploration and promote rapid business development.
Scenario advantages
Second level response to report query
Perfect support for real-time report query of revenue, order volume and other indicators, meet the increasing requirements for data timeliness in enterprise operations, and respond in seconds.
Real time monitoring and real-time decision-making
Through the high concurrent read/write capability provided by Hologres and the association of the device status table, the status can be updated in real time to meet the real-time query and monitoring of the CRM system on the device (power bank) and help the business make real-time decisions.
Reduce operation and maintenance expenses
Replace open source Hive, Impala, etc., simplify business architecture, avoid data islands, consistency, security and other problems, and reduce development, operation and maintenance costs.
Recommended combination

Product function comparison

Why Hologres?
product positioning
Scene capability
system architecture
Engine capability
SQL support
Data update
Query engine
Storage Engine
Operation and maintenance capability
Resource elasticity
Cost of ownership
Enterprise level support
Cloud native real-time database Hologres
One stop real-time data warehouse, supporting OLAP, Ad Hoc and high QPS spot check
Cloud native computing storage separation architecture, multi node parallel writing, parallel computing
Support standard SQL, compatible with PostgreSQL 11 protocol
Real time write, real-time update, write visible, support primary key constraint
Distributed, vectorized and asynchronous execution engine with stable performance
There are two kinds of storage: row storage and column storage, which are based on Pangu system and optimized for SSD
Computing and storage expand elastically and independently on demand, without data relocation
Support billing by use, support data cold and hot storage, lower overall cost of ownership
Load isolation, high availability, fine-grained permissions, data encryption, etc
Traditional OLAP engine
Multi dimensional analysis (OLAP) oriented, suitable for static report presentation
Non cloud native architecture, high expansion cost, limited cluster size
Support limited SQL, and support for complex join, sub query, etc. is inefficient
Batch import, unable to update flexibly, low data timeliness
Unstable and jittery in high concurrency and complex query scenarios
Mainly column storage, and the storage is designed as HDD sequential scanning
Resource architecture coupling, resources cannot be expanded independently
The cost of purchasing software licenses is high, and the cost of talent recruitment is high
Mainly open source software, with less ability in governance and security
product positioning
Scene capability
data model
Data modeling
Query interface
Analytical capability
Data development
Development mode
Cost of ownership
Cloud native real-time database Hologres
One stop real-time data warehouse, supporting flexible analysis and high-performance spot check
Strong Schema, supporting rich data types
Perfect support for SQL, highly optimized for Scan scenarios, and high flexibility
Massive data sub second level query, support Join, high QPS PK click query
For data warehouse theme development, support table nesting, association and other complex scenarios
One set of architecture, multiple scenarios, reduce data fragmentation, and lower overall cost of ownership
Traditional Key/Value database
Support high-performance spot check based on Key/Value interface
Weak Schema, weak data type, difficult to troubleshoot data quality problems
Proprietary API, requiring third-party extension to support limited SQL
It supports spot check and prefix scanning, does not support complex multidimensional computing, and supports high QPS spot check
Complex development, system efficiency depends on primary key design, and there are many intermediate tables
Multiple systems, multiple data import and export, complex operation and maintenance

Customer Stories

Sun Tian, General Manager of Noah Fortune Data Intelligence Center:
Noah provides complex asset allocation services for high net worth customers. The business attribute of high-end financial services is naturally characterized by "fewer rows and more columns". The demand is extremely complex, and it is a deep-water area of data services. If it is not for the determination and excellent technology to change the industry with data, it is difficult to serve customers in the financial industry well. Hologres' partners not only provided us with high-level training in person, but also took pains to answer our various questions. Even if we asked questions late at night, they would respond quickly and solve them actively. What moved me more was that Noah, with the support of Hologres, did a lot of calculation optimization to improve the data calculation speed and reduce the cost by more than half. Hologres team is also a teacher and a friend, accompanying us to grow along the way, and we hope to build the best practice of financial big data together in the future!
Rutin, the person in charge of 2D Fire Big Data:
2D Fire is a company that focuses on the research, development and application of cloud computing catering software systems. It has more than 5000 Alibaba Cloud servers and serves 50w merchants. The big data team uses Alibaba Cloud big data service MaxCompute to conduct H+1/T+1 statistics on the purchase, sales, and inventory data of restaurants or retail stores, and uses interactive analysis Hologres to meet the high concurrency, second level analysis and processing of 10 billion level offline data, providing nearly 80 different types of reports, including business, order, food, membership and other reports, Provide multi-dimensional analysis and business exploration for store development.
58 Tao Wangfei, the person in charge of real-time calculation of fast dog big data:
Based on the real-time unified data service provided by Hologres, we provide subsecond simple ad hoc query return efficiency in most cases, which greatly promotes the real-time transformation of the business and solves a series of problems brought by the underlying multiple storage engines. In addition, for some unconventional real-time data requirements, Hologres' high performance is used to directly base on detailed data, reducing targeted development, while enhancing flexibility and improving development efficiency.
Li Yun, Xiaomai Senior Digital Warehouse Development Engineer:
Xiaomai Technology is a digital advertising company focusing on high-quality APP, user growth and commercialization. It has built 10+application systems through big data technology to enable digital business operations. However, with the exponential growth of the number of users, the business team's requirements for real-time and refined data have increased, and the big data system has begun to face challenges. Xiaomai Technology, through the introduction of the real-time data warehouse built by Hologres, has supported the tens of billions of business data complex multidimensional analysis second level response, improved the timeliness of data query and writing, and enhanced the system's high availability through the deployment of Hologres read-write separation instance, helping the rapid development of business.

Product specification

There is always a business suitable for you
Calculation Package Type
Mainland China - general computing package
Calculate packet capacity
15000CU * H (degrees)
term of validity
Please use up within one year, and expire
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East China 2 (Shanghai)
Commodity characteristics
50% off time limit
Commodity advantages
Charge by scanning volume
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Product Dynamics

One hand dynamic push
2019-08-30 New Product
Interactive Analytics public beta release
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New products on March 20, 2020
Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Interactive Analysis (Hologres) Commercialized Release
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2020-07-31 New Region/New Availability Zone
Interactive analysis Hologres was officially launched in Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States (Silicon Valley) and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)
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2020-07-31 New Features/Specifications
Interactive analysis Hologres - one-stop data development and management platform HoloWeb officially launched
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2020-08-26 Function optimization
Alibaba Cloud interactive analysis Hologres and MaxCompute, DataWorks product portfolio sales function release
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2020-08-28 New Features/Specifications
Interactive analysis Hologres supports pay as you go subcontracting
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2020-10-27 New Features/Specifications
MaxCompute Interactive Analysis (Hologres) V0.8 was released, and the engine capability was enhanced
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2020-11-20 New Features/Specifications
Interactive analysis Hologres shared cluster (MaxCompute BI accelerated version) public beta release
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2021-01-25 New Features/Specifications
MaxCompute Interactive Analysis (Hologres) V0.9 was released to improve throughput
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2021-03-16 new region/new zone
Interactive analysis Hologres officially opened in North China 3 (Zhangjiakou)
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2021-04-01 Price adjustment
The user storage unit price of monthly subscription version and pay as you go version in domestic stations will be reduced by 50%
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2021-05-17 New Features/Specifications
Hologres is deeply integrated with MaxCompute, and the external speed is increased by 30%. Built in MC DDL functions are executed
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2021-05-20 New Features/Specifications
Enhanced operation and maintenance capability, slow query
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2021-05-24 New Features/Specifications
Support automatic table sampling to generate better execution plans
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2021-06-01 New functions/specifications
Add RoaringBitmap extension to optimize precise de duplication, label filtering and other scenarios under ultra-high base
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2021-06-08 New Features/Specifications
Read OSS data on the surface, integrate DLF, and simplify data lake data analysis
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2021-06-15 New Features/Specifications
Enhance traffic analysis scenarios, support fine-grained retention analysis, and optimize crowd selection, attribution and other scenarios
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2021-07-01 New functions/specifications
The optimized column storage adopts AliORC compression format by default, and the storage compression ratio increases by 30%~50%
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2021-08-01 New Features/Specifications
Use a new external table query engine to optimize the query performance of MaxCompute external tables
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2021-09-01 New functions/specifications
HoloWeb supports graphical viewing of execution plans to comprehensively improve query and analysis efficiency
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2021-10-25 New Region/New Availability Zone
Interactive analysis of Hologres shared cluster (MaxCompute BI accelerated version) was released in Singapore
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2021-11-19 New Region/New Availability Zone
Real time Hologres was commercially released in Germany (Frankfurt)
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2021-11-29 New Features/Specifications
Publish JSONB index function to speed up JSONB data query
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2022-01-06 Function optimization
Real time data warehouse Hologres upgraded new control console
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2022-01-10 Function optimization
Upgrade the shared cluster (MaxCompute BI accelerated version) to version 1.1
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2022-02-18 Function optimization
Shared cluster (MaxCompute BI accelerated version) starts bill pre push
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2022-03-22 New Features/Specifications
HoloWeb supports slow query Gantt chart analysis function
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2022-03-27 New Features/Specifications
The Hologres management console is upgraded, and the network configuration supports binding the specified VPC
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2022-05-05 New Features/Specifications
Hologres Read only Publish from Instance Self service Configuration
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2022-05-05 Function optimization
Query and monitoring interactive experience hall online
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2022-05-26 Function optimization
Publish Performance Tuning Guide
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2022-05-26 Function optimization
Build product life cycle management system
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2022-06-26 New Region/New Availability Zone
Shared cluster (MaxCompute BI accelerated version) opened in Singapore
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2022-07-26 Function optimization
Passed the ecological compatibility certification of the Haiguang CPU
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2022-07-26 New Features/Specifications
Worker level monitoring indicators are revealed to improve self diagnosis ability
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2022-08-17 New Region/New Availability Zone
Open the service at the US (Virginia) site
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2022-08-30 New Features/Specifications
Support OSS data lake acceleration: read Hudi/Delta and other surfaces
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2022-08-30 New Features/Specifications
Open beta of backup recovery function
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2022-09-25 New Features/Specifications
Support transmission encryption
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2022-09-27 New Features/Specifications
Support real-time materialized views
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2022-10-26 Function optimization
Pass the compatibility test of Feiteng processor
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2022-10-27 New Features/Specifications
JSON storage optimization
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2022-10-27 New Features/Specifications
Support dynamic partition management
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2022-11-22 New Features/Specifications
Data lake acceleration support OSS HDFS
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2022-11-22 New Features/Specifications
Hologres Self service Upgrade Function Release
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2022-11-23 Function optimization
Write or update the tuning guide
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2022-12-26 New Features/Specifications
Shared cluster supports data lake acceleration
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2022-12-26 Function optimization
Add UNIQ precise de duplication function
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2022-12-28 New Features/Specifications
Hologres docking Flink new function release
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2023-02-26 New Region/New Availability Zone
Sharing cluster publishing Shenzhen region
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2023-02-26 New Features/Specifications
Hologres realizes the integration of lake and warehouse based on Delta Lake
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2023-02-26 New Features/Specifications
Best Practices for Data Writing, Updating, and Spot Checking
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2023-03-23 New Features/Specifications
The shared cluster (MaxCompute BI acceleration version) is upgraded to the shared cluster (Hucang acceleration version)
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2023-03-23 New Features/Specifications
Supports hot and cold data tiered storage
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2023-04-19 New Features/Specifications
Developer experience version release
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2023-05-22 New Features/Specifications
Hologres publishes elastic computing group, OLAP analyzes fine-grained resource isolation
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2023-06-01 New Features/Specifications
Support Kafka real-time synchronization Hologres and ETL
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2023-06-15 New Features/Specifications
Support single instance shard level multiple replicas, improve instance throughput, and improve availability.
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2023-06-28 New Features/Specifications
Support instance load balancing and provide instance failover capability
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2023-07-01 New functions/specifications
Support hg_stat_activity to enrich SQL runtime diagnostic information
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2023-07-01 New functions/specifications
Support Runtime Filter to improve the performance of multi table association
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2023-07-01 New functions/specifications
Enrich Explain and Explain Analyze, and simplify SQL optimization methods
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2023-08-01 New Features/Specifications
Support OpenAPI to improve instance management capability
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2023-08-09 New Region/New Availability Zone
Add Zone J in East China 1 (Hangzhou)
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2023-08-09 New Region/New Availability Zone
Newly opened zone F in South China 1 (Shenzhen)
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2023-08-31 New Features/Specifications
ClickHouse Whole Database Migration Hologres
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2023-08-31 New Features/Specifications
Postgres real-time synchronization Hologres
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2023-10-08 Function optimization
Cloud monitoring supports monitoring of Hologres instance category
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2023-10-08 New Features/Specifications
Hologres monitoring indicators support memory classification
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2023-11-01 New Features/Specifications
Support interval funnel function and analyze traffic conversion in groups
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2023-11-01 Function optimization
COUNT DISTINCT is automatically optimized to improve query efficiency
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2023-11-01 New Features/Specifications
Add the hg_relation_size function to view the detailed storage
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2023-11-17 New Features/Specifications
Runtime Filter supports multiple fields Join
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2023-12-01 New Features/Specifications
Support Hologres instance management through Terraform
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2024-01-19 Function optimization
Holoweb supports the visualization of the Explain operator
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2024-01-25 New Features/Specifications
Holoweb supports Query insight and quickly associates table metadata
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2024-03-25 New Features/Specifications
Hologres supports instance level SQL diagnostics
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Documentation and Tools

Publications and materials

Collection of Hologres e-books, open classes and case collections