When I was working in the background today, I used json to transfer the data to the front end, and found that the time field was serialized, so it needs to be displayed after processing. I threw it to the front end for convenience, as follows:

The time field of the backend json data is as follows: time stamp

 Front end processing Json timestamp

This is how the page displays --.
 Front end processing Json timestamp

First, introduce a whole js code. The time stamp turns to the normal time. The code is as follows:
Thank you for your dap method.

 //Time converter function timestampToTime(timestamp) { var date = new Date(timestamp);// The time stamp is 10 bits and needs * 1000. The time stamp is 13 bits and does not need to multiply by 1000 var Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'; var M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? ' 0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1); var D = date.getDate() + ' '; var h = date.getHours() + ':'; var m = date.getMinutes() + ':'; var s = date.getSeconds(); return Y + M + "-" + D + h + m + s; }

Then use the function to process the data and display it. Here is Layui. The following method can be used to solve the problem. The official document explains it.

 {field: 'time', title: 'Message time', width: 200, templet: function(d){return timestampToTime(d.time)}}

 Front end processing Json timestamp

Finally, it's OK. The effect is great!
 Front end processing Json timestamp