[Chinese characters in English] Food documentary: A collection of food programs by the kitchen goddess Nigella (48 episodes)

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     [Chinese characters in English] Food documentary: A collection of food programs of kitchen goddess Nigella (48 episodes)

    This is a documentary in the form of a reality show, and it is also a set of documentaries of food courses with great edible and ornamental value. Netizens commented: When I was young, I followed the programs, and the people were very beautiful, and the cooking was delicious.

    Type: reality show
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: September 30, 2010 (UK)
    Number of episodes: 48
    Single episode length: 23 minutes

    Content introduction:

    As a mother, she is a world-famous writer and a top chef who likes food. She loves life, food and feasts, whether on special occasions or at home. She is beautiful, generous, eloquent and humorous. She introduces Nigella Rosen, one of the most influential chefs in the world.
    Through a series of programs, the audience will fully integrate into the food world of Nigella and enjoy the delicious meals she has prepared for herself, friends, family, colleagues and people all over the world. From festival meals, special occasions, to creating a taste of life, even single dinner, Nigella provides you with delicious dining guides for various occasions

    The first episode is watched online:

    Full 48 episodes Full version Address:

    Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nW411p7eq/

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