Better WordPress theme

About us

Themebetter is a professional WordPress theme service provider, which aims to provide better website building templates for webmasters.

The definition of themebetter:

Theme means "theme" and better means "better". These two simple words together are "better theme".

Themebetter is our own original word combination, which is also easy to read / θ i ː m ˈ bet ə r/ , give it a try.

Focus on WordPress theme for 9 years

We were founded in the summer of 2010, formerly known as the big front-end (daqianduan. com) website. At first, we independently developed and maintained several high-quality original WordPress themes for Haozi.

On July 27, 2015, the team operation was officially started, and the self built independent website brand is "themebetter", which is currently

As time goes by, we have focused on one thing for 9 years: WordPress theme.

42000+users' favorite

So far, we have more than 42000 member users;

So far, our XIU theme has sold nearly 2000 copies, once becoming the most popular Chinese theme;

So far, our topics cover the following types: individuals, pictures, vertical industries, and enterprises.

Insist on doing better

Better service: pre-sales and after-sales services are provided through QQ and our self built work order system to most effectively solve users' actual problems.

Better guidance: whether you are a novice or not, our professional guidance will enable you to use barrier free and build a website with confidence.

Better experience: online purchase is fast and convenient, supports Alipay and WeChat payment, and can manage your own theme orders after purchase.

Build a station! You have good reasons to choose us

More than 43% of the websites in the world are built by WordPress, and we are the most reliable WordPress theme developer in China
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