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Apart from being transferred, how can we take our holidays?

2024-04-18 01:02 Beijing News

Source title: How can we take our holidays apart from being transferred?

To significantly increase the length of national leave, more visibility and more landmark progress are needed, especially in paid leave.

As the May Day holiday approaches, the topic of "May Day actually only has one day off" continues to occupy the hot search list.

Many people are dissatisfied with the current compensatory leave, saying that such transfers do not increase the total number of holidays. After the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday and the May Day holiday, the "double holidays" for several consecutive weeks have become "single holidays", and three "six day shifts" have been taken before and after the holiday.

For this reason, some people said that they hoped to have normal holidays and weekends. Others went further, hoping to take longer leave without being transferred back and forth.

Public holidays are closely related to everyone's life. So, how can we take our holidays apart from being transferred? This has undoubtedly become a public issue with practical significance.

Behind the hot search is the expectation of a better holiday system

It should be noted that there are widespread differences between public holidays and paid holidays in developing and developed countries. In contrast, there are more public holidays in developing countries or regions, while paid holidays are obviously insufficient.

One possible reason is that developing countries are generally limited by economic and social development, and it is difficult to generally force more paid holidays, and enterprises are lack of initiative. At this time, public holidays undoubtedly play the role of "covering the bottom" for workers' right to rest.

In fact, there are many 11 day public holidays in China, the same as France, Italy and other countries; However, the overall length of 5-15 days of statutory paid leave in China is not superior, there is still room for improvement in the structure, and there are still problems in promoting the implementation. These gaps are the space for improvement.

In 2008, China's "Golden Week" system has undergone major changes, canceling the May Day "Golden Week" and adding three small and long vacations, namely, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival. The total number of rest days and statutory holidays in a year also increased from 114 to 115.

Since then, in order to solve the "centralized leave" problem caused by the dual concentration of space and time in the "Golden Week", implementing paid leave has become an important choice. However, due to the fact that the holiday system involves cultural and folk customs, concept change, economic development, social affordability and other aspects, the landing process of paid leave in China is slow.

Therefore, whenever an important holiday approaches, relevant issues will be highlighted, and even become a hot search repeatedly. In fact, this is also the public's urgent expectation for a better holiday system.

Try one policy for one place to explore and increase public holidays

In the current situation of our country, the first thing that can be achieved is to do a good job in guaranteeing the basic holidays.

This requires the effective implementation of the Labor Law, ensuring the implementation of the two-day weekend system, limiting or even completely prohibiting employers from occupying the weekend overtime and the small and large week system, ensuring the full payment of overtime pay, and guaranteeing the full vacation of annual leave, marriage leave and other holidays.

At the same time, on the basis of national unified public holidays, we can also explore the possibility of increasing the stock of public holidays one by one. What can be referred to is the current situation in some ethnic minority areas.

According to the Measures for Holidays of National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days, the local people's governments in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities shall set the holiday dates according to the ethnic customs. According to this provision, all ethnic minority areas have unique public holidays on public holidays.

For example, Tibet's "Tibetan New Year" and "Shelton Festival", Guangxi's "March 3rd", and Yunnan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and other minority areas all have their own unique public holidays. This year, the "National Unity and Progress Festival", "Torch Festival", "Zhouqing" and "Yi New Year" in Liangshan, Sichuan, even lasted 16 days in total.

In fact, in addition to minority areas, other places also have their own traditions and cultures that need to be further promoted. This provides a valuable cultural basis and consensus for the addition of holidays.

Therefore, while considering increasing the number of national unified public holidays, if we can expand the provisions of the Measures so that more regions in China can increase their unique local public holidays according to local conditions, it will undoubtedly effectively alleviate the focus effect of the current unified vacation time and space, and promote the healthy development of tourism consumption.

In order to significantly increase the length of national leave, more visibility and more landmark progress are needed, especially in paid leave. This requires relevant departments to learn more about the concerns and difficulties of private enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and their employees on paid leave, and work on the difficulties and pain points.

Of course, in the process of gradual progress, more opportunities should be provided for the public and stakeholders to participate. With diversified participants, holiday policy decisions can be more scientific and reasonable, gain wider understanding and acceptance, and step by step effectively improve the public's holiday experience.

□ Yang Jinsong (tourism scholar)

Editor in charge: Feng Chong (QZ0019)

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