Create a profitable boutique mail subscription course,
Help you build profitable email subscriptions from scratch!

This is a comprehensive video based course,
Designed to help you build profitable email subscriptions from scratch.

More than 18 video courses,
The best tactics covering valuable strategies such as growing email lists, increasing participation, and selling sponsorships.

The course includes actual case studies,
It shows the strategies actually used and their impressive results.

Get the "Create a profitable boutique email subscription course" now,
Turn your mail subscription into a profitable asset of your boutique site!

The Newsletters for Niche Sites Course is a comprehensive video-based course designed to help you build profitable email newsletters from scratch.
With over 18+ video lessons, this course covers the best tactics for growing an email list, increasing engagement, and selling sponsorships, among other valuable strategies.
The course includes real-life case studies that showcase the actual tactics used and their impressive results.
Access the Newsletters for Niche Sites Course and transform your newsletters into lucrative assets for your niche sites.

  • Tutorial No.: 0162807922
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown
  • File size: 272MB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 Tutorial Contents ─Newsletters for Niche Sites Course ├─01-Introduction │      01-Newsletter vs Email Campaigns.mkv │      02-Benefits of Newsletters .mkv │      03-Issues with Newsletters .mkv │      04-Simplified Business Model .mkv │      05-Terms You Need To Know.pdf  ├─02-Newsletter Breakdowns │      01-Morning Brew Breakdown.mkv │      02-Lenny's Newsletter Breakdown .mkv │      03-The Website Flip Newsletter Breakdown .mkv  ├─03-Newsletter Setup │      01-Which Email Service Provider.mkv │      02-Ways to Compile a Newsletter .mkv │      03-My Go-To Method - Newsletter Glue .mkv │      04-Email Opt-in Forms .mkv │      05-My Go-To Method - Optin Monster.mkv  ├─04. Newsletter Sponsorship │      01-Strategies that HAVE and HAVE NOT Worked For Me.mkv  └─05-The Website Flip Case Study 01-Reasons for 'Success'.mkv 02-How I 'Introduce' People to Website Flipping - The Welcome Sequence .mkv 03-The Current Newsletter Structure (2023) .mkv 04-Subscriber Growth & Statistics .mkv 05-Advertising Placements & Media Kit.mkv 05-The Website Flip Advertising Options - 02_2023 - CONFIDENTIAL.docx

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