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Kathryn Drew

Manager, Partnerships and Special Projects
 profile pic kat drew
As a member of the Development team at Creative Commons, Kat is focused on leading events and event logistics as well as merchandising.


Before joining Creative Commons, Kat worked on a wide variety of events for various organizations in Vancouver, BC. She is passionate about bringing community together through events and creating space where people can learn, create and collaborate to inspire change in the world!


Kat is also a long distance trail runner, so in her free time, you will likely find her running through the mountains of B.C. training for her next race! She also loves camping, bike trips and baking (& eating) delicious treats.

Posts by Kathryn Drew

Introducing the CC Global Summit Program Committee


We are grateful to introduce our Summit Program Committee! This year’s program wouldn’t be possible without this amazing group of volunteers, and we want to thank them for their dedication to creating a groundbreaking program so we can gather again to learn, share and create! Special thanks to our co-chairs Brigitte Vézina and John Okewole.…