Baidu Smart Cloud

Best Practices

Typical best practices Quickly master the best way to play cloud products

Use WordPress to quickly build a website

WordPress is a personal blog system, which has gradually evolved into a content management system software, developed using PHP language and MySQL database. With simple operations, users can run Wordpress on BCH.

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Best Practices for BOS HTTPS Transport Encryption

BOS now fully supports the HTTP and HTTPS transport protocols.

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Best practice of BOS WEB end direct transmission

Users upload through the Web, which is a typical application scenario in BOS usage requirements. In this scenario, users usually use the model transferred by the application server to upload files.

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Use Discuz to set up a forum

Discuz is a general community forum software system, and is one of the forum software systems with the highest maturity and coverage in the world.

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common problem

Selected the hot questions related to cloud services. You can find more questions in the product documentation