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Docker Hub domestic image setting method to solve Docker image pull failure

Docker 1 comment 2023-12-14 2,786 views
For some reasons, the official Docker Hub warehouse can no longer be pulled in China. If it is a domestic network environment, the domestic image can be configured for use, so as to solve the problem of Docker image pulling failure or slowness. If the configuration file/etc/docker/daemon. json does not exist, you can directly use the following command: # Create directory sudo mkdir -...

Use Docker Buildx to build multi platform images

Docker 0 comments 2022-2-14 5,044 views
By default, the x86_64 platform can only build x86_64 images. If we need to build multi platform images on the x86_64 platform (such as ARM64), we can use the Buildx tool officially provided by Docker to build multi platform images. This article is about installing Docker Buildx. Taking CentOS 7 X64 bit system as an example, the latest download page of Docker Buildx is:

Weiunicom (QTS) installs the Docker container and sets the Docker image source

Docker 1 comment 2020-6-13 25,193 views
WeChat Unicom X86 architecture CPU supports the installation of Docker container services, such as the TS-453B mini I started earlier. Using Docker container deployment services can achieve environmental isolation, ease of use, and ease of maintenance. In the case that some software does not support the WeChat system, you can also use Docker to install it to indirectly support it, greatly enhancing the playability. Install Docker QTS system, Docker container software