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Yasukuni Shrine -Baidu Encyclopedia


Yasukuni Shrine (Shinto Shrine in Kitagawa, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan) _360 Encyclopedia

February 8, 2024 Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese: やすくにじんじゃゃやすすくにじじんじゃ) is a shrine located in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan , dedicated to the soldiers and their families who died in the war for Japan since the Meiji Restoration

Japan Yasukuni Shrine Located in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan, before

Japan Yasukuni Shrine is located in the north of Section 9, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan Its predecessor was the Tokyo Necromancy Society, which was founded by the order of Emperor Meiji in 1869, and was renamed the Yasukuni Shrine in 1879. The Yasukuni Shrine is dedicated to those who died in war for Japan since the Meiji Restoration

In Japan, Yasukuni Shrine What kind of existence? Can you sum up?

April 24, 2023 The Yasukuni Shrine is located in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan , just to the northwest of the Emperor's Residence, the straight-line distance is less than 700 meters. It covers an area of about 93000 square meters and is composed of this hall, Bird House, Worship Hall, Hand Water Shed, Holy Seal Book Feng'an Hall and other buildings. In Shintoism in Japan

Yasukuni Shrine -Tourism Earth

Yasukuni Shrine is a shrine located in Jiuduanban, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan The shrine honors the soldiers and their families who died in the war for Japanese military aggression since the Meiji Restoration, most of whom were Japanese officers and soldiers killed in the Sino Japanese War and the Pacific War

Japanese Yasukuni Shrine Where do you like to ask knowledgeable people

November 24, 2006 Yasukuni Shrine It is a shrine located in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan. The Yasukuni Shrine was founded in the 2nd year of Meiji (1869), formerly known as the "Necromancy Shrine"

Yasukuni Shrine Which county is it in? Baidu knows

2 answers - answer time: November 7, 2008

Best answer: Yasukuni Shrine , formerly known as "Tokyo Necromancy Society", it is located in a district of Tokyo - Jiuduanbei, Chiyoda District. Chiyoda District is one of the 23 special districts in the Tokyo Metropolitan, including the residence of the Emperor of Japan - Imperial Residence, the Japanese Parliament (Nagata cho)

If I set a fire Yasukuni Shrine How to return to China safely- Zhihu

August 23, 2021 First check the specific address: Yasukuni Shrine is located in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan Baidu map can be found Oh, after checking this address

Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida Yasukuni Shrine sacrifice

7 days ago True ". Yasukuni Shrine Located in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, the shrine is dedicated to 14 Class-A war criminals of World War II, including Hideki Tojo. For a long time, some Japanese politicians and members of parliament have insisted on visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which has caused many peace loving people in Japan