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illness example A &#xe6ea It is a Chinese word, and its pinyin is pronounced as b ì ng ì l ì, which mainly has two meanings:

  1. The calculation unit of disease statistics: one person, one disease as one case. For example, if a person has two diseases at the same time, they are considered as two cases. one
  1. An instance of a disease: refers to a disease that someone has suffered, that is, a case of this disease. two three

It should be noted that the case history is different from the case history. Medical records are the records of medical personnel on the occurrence, development and prognosis of patients' diseases, as well as medical activities such as examination, diagnosis and treatment. Medical records, also known as medical records, are records of medical conditions, diagnosis and treatment methods. four five

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case (Chinese words) - Baidu Encyclopedia

case _360 Encyclopedia

March 10, 2022 Case foreign name: case phonetic notation b ì ng l ì An example of a disease Catalog 1 Introduction 2 Writing specification requires folding and editing the introduction of this paragraph [Definition]: 1. An example of a certain disease. The Baluo Deputy Arts Department of a well has cooperated with a

case -Interpretation

A medical department is an instance of a disease.

bìng lì
example sentence

And the resulting dysfunction, even loss of function case It is not uncommon.

Baidu Chinese

case Explanation of | case meaning |Explanation of the Word "Case" in Chinese Dictionary

Explanation of case words ◎ case b ì ngl ì [case of ills] The medical department refers to the individual cases of certain diseases, which are usually deaf mute, low energy or other unfortunate children ---Medical case, occurrence of

case Of meaning |Explanation of cases | Sentence making of cases - Lele class

◎ case of illness Medical department refers to the instance of a certain disease, which is usually an individual case of deaf mute, low energy or other unfortunate children A person or creature who has suffered from a certain disease is the disease of this disease

case yes what do you mean _Explanations of cases _ Chinese dictionary _ dictionary website

Case of Illness The medical department refers to the individual cases of certain diseases, which are usually deaf mute, low energy or other unfortunate children Explain in detail an example of a disease. A certain person or creature has suffered from a certain disease, which is the disease

&#xe636 case yes what do you mean Ah - Baidu Wenku

Page 1 Published on: December 8, 2022
VIP welfare agency VIP free zone VIP exclusive privilege client login Baidu Library periodical literature books case yes what do you mean What does a case mean? Case: An example of a disease. © 2022 Baidu | Baidu Intelligent Cloud provides computing services |

case The meaning of "case" is what do you mean _The synonym antonym pronunciation of the case - Shanghai

May 15, 2012 Selected by Hujiang Online Dictionary Network case The meaning and pronunciation of what do you mean , antonyms, synonyms and other information were added by zsumo on May 15, 2012.