Which sport is better, skipping or running (skipping to lose weight

When losing weight, many people first think of running. Which sport is better, skipping or running? However, experts still suggest that we should give priority to weight loss as the primary form of exercise. Running and weight loss are two common daily sports. Why do experts advise young people to choose rope skipping first?

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Black Eyes - Which Luck to Skip Rope or Run

 Which sport is better, skipping or running

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Refers to Li Tuozhang - a man should be a wanderer between Niu A and Niu C

 Which sport is better, skipping or running

In the future, I will act simply and honestly. If you don't understand, you can't understand; No, just admit that you won't. If we abandon posturing, the road of life seems to be an unexpected smooth path. (Taizaji, Justice and Smile)