Zhonggong Travel

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Shendang Ancient Town is full of tourists

2019-02-20 14:58:11 Source: China Industrial Network

On February 5, tourists visited Shendang Ancient Town. During the Spring Festival, Shendang Ancient Town, located in the southwest of Yuzhou City, Henan Province, was full of tourists. Tourists from surrounding areas stroll around the old streets, taste food, enjoy folk customs, celebrate the Spring Festival and enjoy the Spring Festival holiday. Shendang Ancient Town has a history of thousands of years because of the prosperity of porcelain. Its unique national treasure level porcelain, Jun porcelain, is one of the five famous porcelains of the Song Dynasty. It occupies an important position in the development history of Chinese ceramics and enjoys the reputation of "gold is valuable and invaluable". Photographed by Gu Yongguang, reporter of China Industrial Network

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Edit: Wu Wei

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