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What lies in the success of hot event marketing?
Source: Softwen Publishing Network
2022-11-14 17:24:20
Hot Events Marketing What is the essence of success?

Some people will say that there is what Good to learn? How shameful, utilize The earthquake and so on hype, makes the country difficult to get rich, this utilize People's emotions are inferior and so on. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand hearts. There is nothing, and no one can be 100% praised and comprehensive.

The key is that we should think about conduct network extension And publicity, how What about getting the best cost performance under reasonable and legal conditions? Let's take a look at the game. A wonderful game must be a close match between the two sides. The score is anxious, the battle is fierce, and the result is uncertain. It's just like a boxing match. It's not good to KO directly with one punch. What really looks good is your fist and my fist, which makes people scratch their hearts.

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This leads us to the forum Marketing etc. network extension One of the principles of the time is controversial.

Of course, there are hot events topic of conversation Sex, but first, the heat is maintained for a short time, and second extension The drained fans are too "fast food". They are very sticky, and can't talk about it at all what Loyalty and Realization

So, hot events Marketing The essence of success is that you combine emotions Marketing , mobilize people's emotions topic of conversation Sexual sublimation is controversial, and the effect of the latter is much better. Now is not the time when traffic is king. No one wants his fans to come and go fast.

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