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On October 10th, the Mengjie Festival arrives

If you don't understand why October 10 is the Moe Festival. You can divide the cute character into four parts. Hmm... If you don't understand, Meow can't help it. Meow

Hmm... Meow actually forgot it at the beginning.

BILIBILI card has an activity. Every month, 1G traffic is upgraded to 2G traffic. Then I saw the activity introduction

Um... after upgrading

score zero , full marks 5-star
zero ticket
fabulous zero
After reading and collecting, you can find it next time
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  1. So is it just grass festival and yellow festival :twisted:

    #1st floor
    1. @ Colin WWW No. The Cute Festival is the most meaningful!!!

  2. It can be disassembled to understand, 666

    #2nd floor