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[factorio] Daily memo

This article is based on my own memos... as well as some code queries for others.

Original Instruction

The following command can be entered/h xxx to query the game's own explanation

/Admins displays all administrators/remote gives administrative permission/remote removes administrative permission

/Alerts tone switch

/Ban is blacklisted

/Banlist has the same function as ban. Check details

/Bans displays all ban players

/Unba Remove from Blacklist

/Color Change your own color

/Delete blueprint library deletes the blueprint collection in the map file. Generally used to reduce map size

/Evolution shows evolution factors

/Ignore blocked messages/ignore lists blocked players

/Kick out the designated player. But that player can still come in

/Mute Forbidden Player

/Mute programmable speaker, self check for details

/Mutes' All Prohibitions

/Open/o Open someone's backpack and steal something

/See the game introduction for perf avg frames

/Permissions permission setting page

/Players Displays all players. Additional parameter 0 only shows online, and c only shows the number of players

/Purge to clear the chat record of the specified player

/Reply Reply to private chat

/Screenshot screenshot, which seems to be of little use

/Seed Display Map Seed

/Save map on server save server

/Shout full screen call

/Swap layers Swap roles

/Time Display the game time

/Ignore to unmask messages


/Whisper sends private chat

/Whitelist black and white list control

Cold trump map enhancement module

Copyright description: originally written and produced by Leng Wang · pjincz. 0.16 The adaptation is completed by Mr. Ma and Gavin. Thank Leng Wang, Mr. Ma and Gavin!!!!!!! [But no one fits 0.17]


Use instructions of map enhancement plug-in. Note: Unable to obtain achievements
Download address: http://moe.xin/download/scripts.0.16.18.r10.zip
How to use: Extract the folder. Put it in the Factorio data base scenarios directory. Start the game, start the game, the game scene, and set the resources according to your needs. The map creation is completed when you start the game.


Permission control module instruction

/new-player-as-guest x x

The first x is the switch on off off

The second x is the unlock password. Set according to your own needs

/Guest players are set as tourists

/Member Tourists are set as players

/Guests List all tourists


/Speed Sets the game speed.

/Continuous research will automatically go to the next level after the completion of infinite technology

/Print names Print the internal names of the currently selected buildings, the items held, and the ongoing scientific research.


/Announcement<edit | set | clear>Edit/set/clear the announcement in the upper left corner

/Remove<trees | enemies | decorations>- Remove all trees/enemies/grasslands on the map.

/Auto remove automatically removes newly generated trees/enemies/grass on the map.

/Pollution off

/Stat statistics

/The help target game target function module is described in the in game description for details.

/Welcome. Displayed when the player enters for the first time.

score five , full marks 5-star
one ticket
fabulous two
After reading and collecting, you can find it next time
  • Copyright notice: This article is published based on the Knowledge Sharing Attribution - Sharing in the Same Way 3.0 Mainland China License Agreement. Please follow this agreement for reprinting
  • Article link: https://moe.xin/1053.html [ copy ](Please indicate the source and link of this article when reprinting)
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  1. You can consider sharing some blueprints. Overseas ones are too slow and can't understand :lol:

    #1st floor
  2. Uh, uh, uh, what kind of game is this, my world????

    #2nd floor
    1. @ Tea blood ... see for yourself.. I think it's just fun

  3. What kind of game is this

    #3rd floor
    1. @ siyochen Build class bar 0V0..