Zhonggong Military

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The bus is anti hijacked, and the special operations team breaks the window to kill the "outlaw"

2018-09-21 11:21:07   China Military Network

The disposal team shall study the tactics according to the reconnaissance.

Recently, the Ningbo Detachment of the Armed Police Force closely followed the requirements of actual combat. Against the background of the bus being hijacked by "violent terrorists", it organized a practical anti hijacking drill to test and improve the physical strength, skills, psychology and tactical literacy of special operations team members, so that special operations team members can experience training in a similar actual combat environment and hone their anti-terrorism skills.

"All teams should pay attention to quickly break in according to the plan, prepare for the assault, and start to take action!" In the case of ineffective negotiations, special operations team members can only take strong attacks to rescue "hostages". There was a loud "bang". The bus's glass was smashed instantly. With the smoke of gunpowder, several special operations team members had jumped into the bus at some time. Without waiting for the reaction of "outlaws", one was killed instantly, the other several were captured, and the "hostages" were saved successfully.

Photo report of Yin Fujun and Hu Gang

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Edit: Han Jinghua


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