360 Search > Official website certification

Feedback on official website

The 360 Search Official Website Plan mainly aims at adding official website logos to the search results of official websites of government agencies. When searching for government agencies, 360 Search will give priority to showing the certified official websites, and add official website logos to the search results. For government agencies/public welfare organizations/public schools that have not added official website logos, 360 Search welcomes positive feedback from users, and we will review and add the websites that have received feedback.

360 Search official website construction plan will review your feedback, thank you for your support!

* Website:
* Name/alias/abbreviation 1:
Name/alias/abbreviation 2:
Name/alias/abbreviation 3:
* mail box:
* Verification Code:

Note to users:

1. Each user can submit feedback up to three times a day.

2. Most of the submitted websites are limited to government agencies, public welfare organizations, public schools, etc.

3. If the official website you apply for is "www.so.com", its name or alias is "360 Search".

·When searching for "360 Search", if there is "www.so.com" in the results, the green official website logo will be displayed on the right side of the website.

··When searching for "360", if there is "www.so.com" in the results, the green official website logo will not be displayed on the right side of the website.