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Five channels of financial management "no vacation" Come and earn a "holiday fee"

September 21, 2018 08:57 | Source: Chongqing Business Daily
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As the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are approaching, the securities, futures and other trading markets will be closed, and investors will face certain emergencies or peripheral market risks if they hold positions for holidays. There are still many "no holiday" financing channels. If investors can make full use of them to effectively improve capital returns, it is not difficult to earn a "holiday fee".

Bank financing

Advantages: the yield has a small jump, suitable for locking in medium and long-term returns

Disadvantages: overall lower yield

In the last two days, products exclusive to "Mid Autumn Festival" and "National Day" have been unveiled. The reporter found that when the overall yield was low, the yield of some special holiday products launched by small and medium-sized banks still rose slightly. Taking a joint-stock bank as an example, on the morning of September 20, three "Mid Autumn Festival Special" products were launched, two of which were purchased from 50000 yuan, with 182 days' duration and an annual yield of 5.18%. A model can be purchased from 1 million yuan, with an annualized yield of 5.2%.

The researcher of Puyi Standard reminds that when choosing financial products, you must pay attention to the subscription deadline. Some financial products even have a subscription deadline that spans the National Day holiday, which means that the financial products will not bring any income during the holiday.

Call deposit

Advantages: guaranteed security, higher income than current interest

Disadvantages: the yield is not attractive enough

During the long holiday, a simple way to obtain a higher demand interest rate is to apply for a call deposit with a maturity of 1 or 7 days. According to the interest rates listed on the official websites of major banks, call deposits are generally divided into one day and seven days. The interest rates are usually 0.55% and 1.1%, which are nearly twice and nearly four times the current deposit interest rate of 0.3%. Now banks can generally handle call deposits at any time through mobile banking.

Zhang Haitao, financial planner of Everbright Bank, reminded that there are some agreements on withdrawal of deposits that deserve attention. One day call deposit must be withdrawn one day in advance, and seven day call deposit must be withdrawn seven days in advance. Otherwise, the call deposit will automatically turn to current when it expires, and the interest will be very low.

Monetary Fund

Advantages: flexible liquidity and low investment threshold

Disadvantages: multiple cargo bases "close" in advance, and the yield declines

The Mid Autumn Festival holiday is approaching. Since September 20, many monetary funds have closed their doors in advance and suspended their redemption for up to five days. From the perspective of market performance, the freight base yield has declined significantly, and the average 7-day annualized yield has fallen below 3%. As for the trend, considering that the monetary fund still has cash management and risk aversion functions, and the upcoming Mid Autumn Festival, National Day and other holidays, the quarter end assessment may also cause structural tension of liquidity in stages. In some periods, the yield of the money base is expected to rise in a pulse for a period of time.

Meng Xiangjuan, an analyst with Shenwan Hongyuan, reminded that the realization of monetary funds is flexible and the investment threshold is low, but special attention should be paid to the time span of purchase and redemption of related products. If there are investors who need funds, they should make arrangements in advance.

Reverse repurchase of treasury bonds

Advantages: strong security, super short-term investment varieties

Disadvantages: Medium and long-term earnings are not attractive enough

If you miss the last subscription day before the festival, what other way can you enjoy the financial benefits of the Mid Autumn Festival holiday? The reverse repurchase of government bonds can also be used as an investment method of "getting on the bus" before the festival.

Every long holiday, there will always be a wave of yield peaks in the reverse repurchase of government bonds. In fact, since yesterday, the market has begun to show a short-term rise in yields.

He Lan, an international financial planner, reminded that the reverse repo of treasury bonds is highly secure. Investors can choose to buy a shorter term, just enough to cover holidays and activate idle funds. If investors feel that the interest rate is cost-effective compared with the survival period, they can also make a small profit.

Physical gold and paper gold

Advantages: The long-term investment risk is relatively small, and the transaction is flexible

Disadvantages: Due to external factors, short-term fluctuations are large

The reporter learned from the banks in the city that during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day, the domestic futures market will be closed, and the personal physical gold and gold T+D business of commercial banks will also be suspended, but the paper gold business will be traded normally, and the market will be closed on Saturdays and Rizhao. Citizens can trade according to their own needs.

Xiao Yinli, a futures analyst with BOC International, reminded that gold has returned to the top of the 1200 pass. The decline of the US dollar has attracted some buyers to reinvest in precious metals. At present, the gold price is still trapped in a range shock pattern, and the future trend will still be suppressed. (Guo Xinxin)

(Editor in charge: Ding Yixin, Dong Jing)

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