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How does summer practice return to its original purpose?

September 21, 2018 09:28 | Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Original title: How does summer practice return to its original purpose?

At the beginning of school, it is time to check and accept the summer practice results. According to the reporter's investigation, some schools' practical activities are regarded as mere formality, and some parents even resort to fraud to obtain practical proof. Some summer study travel education elements are integrated in a low proportion, and "water injection" is serious.

   Practice becomes a mere formality

The reporter visited several middle schools and checked the Registration Form of Social Practice Activities in Holidays submitted by students. It was found that most students completed their summer practice in community neighborhood committees.

Shi Hongkui, a community worker in Guanghui Village, Guangwumen Street, Lanzhou City, said that about 10 middle school students came to the community to take part in the practice this summer. Each student can come at most twice, and the time is relatively short.

The reporter learned that most middle schools do not have relevant associations to provide services and channels. After the school determines the theme, students contact the community themselves to find specific practical projects, and then the community fills in the form for identification. Many parents reported that the practice activities of community organizations are single, the number of places is small, and the guidance given to children is also small; It is more difficult for school students in urban and rural fringe areas to get community practice opportunities.

"Most students go to the community to do simple work, which is of little significance. Some lectures organized by neighborhood committees are also related to marketing," said Fang Xue, a student's parent in Xiagou Campus of Lanzhou 19th Middle School Education Group.

According to the reporter's investigation, many students' participation in social practice activities is a mere formality. Some students find places to seal things in order to cope with the school inspection, and even some parents help students to fake. Xue Jianzong, director of the Moral Education Department of Lanzhou No. 54 Middle School, said that whether students had participated in summer practice or not was difficult for teachers to monitor, and their punishment could only be criticism of education.

According to the head teacher, at least 60% of the parents think it is not important for students to participate in social practice, mainly because they are afraid of delaying their children's holiday make-up classes.

According to the regulations of the education department, students must fill in the Evaluation Standards for the Development of Students' Comprehensive Quality every semester, which is linked to the entrance examination. Summer practice is one of the references.

"The evaluation standard is empty, and the quantitative standard cannot be measured. If the evaluation standard cannot keep up, parents will not pay attention to it. According to the regulations, the comprehensive quality evaluation of provincial model schools must be A, and many schools will give students A 99% of the time, which is basically a mere formality," Xue Jianzong said.

   Serious "water injection" in research travel

In recent years, with the upgrading of educational concepts, research travel has become an innovative form of summer practice activities.

"Research travel is a big market, and research products with strong educational significance are more popular than ordinary travel." Su Yong, deputy general manager of Gansu Readers Research Education Technology Co., Ltd., said that research travel broadens students' horizons and will exist for a long time in the future.

However, after interviewing many students, the reporter found that not all research trips could achieve the expected results, and the amount of students' gains was directly related to the level of project design. According to Article 5 of the Guidelines for Primary and Secondary School Students to Study Abroad Travel Activities (Trial) issued by the Ministry of Education in 2014, the proportion of educational content and learning duration of overseas research travel is generally not less than 1/2 of all overseas travel plans.

According to the reporter's investigation, some study tours are just labeled as "study tours" on ordinary tourism products, and the price immediately rises; Others, under the guise of experiencing famous schools and improving their language skills, actually take their children around the campus to talk with foreigners; The qualification of some organizations is worrying, and the project design is rough, implying security risks.

"Many overseas study tours are different from adult tour groups only in that they have more famous schools and museums, and they focus on relaxation. When they come back, they can tell their classmates that I have been abroad." Ms. Qi, from the sales department of a travel agency in Gansu Province, said, "The proportion of play and study is 80 to 20, and each tour has a 'instructor' to follow."

According to the reporter's investigation, these so-called "instructors" are actually guides who have participated in the simple training of the education company of the travel agency group and have more than 5 years of work experience. Some research companies are even transformed from travel agencies and re listed.

   Summer practice should be a part of students' growth

It is worth thinking about how to fully reflect the value of summer practice and bring real growth to students.

Li Shuohao, a professor at the Higher Education Research Institute of Lanzhou University, believes that the school really needs to further explore and expand the off campus curriculum to break the "unique" situation of the on campus curriculum, but there are many problems in the implementation process. Students and parents are unwilling to really engage in social practice and do not fully understand its importance. Some students will take the form of cold treatment to deal with practical activities.

"The school also puts practical ability under consideration of performance. This formalistic summer practice will affect middle school students' sense of truth seeking, which is detrimental to the cultivation of sound personality," said Zhou Yaping, associate professor of the sociology department of Lanzhou University.

In order to avoid such dishonest behavior, Li Zelin, vice president of the School of Education of Northwest Normal University, believes that the key is to reduce instrumental assessment and utilitarian pursuit, and take summer practice as part of student growth. He suggested that the school should do a good job in the professional design and guidance of summer practice, improve the assessment system of practice, and make everyone have the sense of rules and the spirit of contract.

"Schools should have special institutions or organizations to serve students' social practice activities. It is better for schools to have relatively fixed experimental bases. The education authorities should not issue documents to solve problems, and should increase supervision, inspection and assessment." Li Shuohao said.

Although the original intention of research travel is good, it should be done according to needs and capabilities. Teachers, students and parents should select formal institutions approved by education, cultural tourism, cultural relics and other departments when choosing research travel. Research organizations should enhance their professionalism and sense of responsibility, and enhance the "gold content" of research travel. (Reporter Cheng Xinliang Qiang)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Hongyu (intern), Xiong Xu)

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