HP vs 66 Pro 14 G3 vs Glory MagicBook 14 2022

E-commerce quotation comparison


Dominant frequency

HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC) (main frequency: 1.6GHz, maximum acceleration: 4.2GHz)
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/integrated display) (main frequency: 2.5GHz, maximum acceleration: 4.5GHz)
0GHz 1GHz 2GHz 3GHz 4GHz 5GHz 6GHz


HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC) (four cores and eight threads)
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display) (12 cores and 16 threads)
Dual core Four cores Six cores Eight cores

Graphics card

HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC) Performance grade independent graphics card NVIDIA Geforce MX250
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display) integrated graphics Intel Iris Xe Graphics
Shared memory capacity


HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)
Memory DDR4:8GB
Hard disk
512GB nothing
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display)
Memory LPDDR5 (low-power version): 16GB (8GB × 2)
Hard disk
512GB nothing


HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)
Length 324.2 wide
two hundred and thirty-seven point seven
14 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 1920x1080

Body thickness: 18mm

Weight: 1.6Kg

Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display)
Length 307.51 wide
two hundred and twenty-seven point five six
14 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2160x1440

Body thickness: 16.9mm

Weight: 1.54Kg

Endurance comparison

HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)
About 8 hours, depending on the specific use environment

low high

Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display)
No data temporarily

low high

3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
The endurance beat 29% of notebooks of the same type
3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby

Word of mouth comparison

HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC): 9.0 points
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display): 9.8 points

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HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)
Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display)
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HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)

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HP Battle 66 Pro 14 G3 (i5 10210U/8GB/512GB/MX250/45% NTSC)

Glory MagicBook 14 2022 (i5/16GB/512GB/Integrated Display)

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