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National Excellent County Party Committee Secretary Style Series: Only with a clean and upright style can we achieve political harmony and people harmony

——Liao Junbo, Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Political and County Committee

15:30, April 14, 2017 Source: Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department

Original title: National Outstanding County Party Committee Secretary's Style Series: Only with a clean and upright style can we achieve political integrity and harmony with people

On February 20, 2015 (the second day of the first month), Liao Junbo (the first from the left) expressed condolences to the villagers of Shizhen Village, Shitun Town. Photographed by Li Zuoqing

Zhenghe, a small county located in the mountainous area of northern Fujian, has become one of the few poverty-stricken counties in Fujian Province for a long time due to the blocked traffic and lagging economic development.

How to achieve harmony between politics and people? In June 2011, Liao Junbo took office as the secretary of the political and county party committee. Through investigation and visit, he deeply realized that to lead this mountainous county to "get rid of poverty", it is necessary to not only get rid of poverty in economic development, but also "solve difficulties" in political ecology. Not only economic and social development is needed, but also the cadre team must withstand all kinds of tests. "Honest and upright style can lead to political harmony and harmony".

Recently, the author went deep into Zhenghe County to interview and listen to the story of local cadres and masses about Liao Junbo, the secretary of the National Top 100 County Party Committee.

"To better stand on the stage"

On April 23, Zhenghe County held a meeting for the township (town, street) party secretary to state responsibilities and clarify integrity.

"Our township conscientiously implements the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, and has achieved remarkable results..." A township party committee secretary is reporting his work.

"How much was the 'three official' fund last year?" Liao Junbo suddenly interrupted.

"Well, I don't know exactly."

"The party committee for building a clean and honest government bears the main responsibility. What does the main responsibility include?" Liao Junbo's question made some party committee secretaries feel on pins and needles. "If the party committee secretaries present can't even explain the main responsibility, I think they are unqualified!"

This criticism has made many township Party committee secretaries sweat and "fail to step down". Liao Junbo believes that "to make cadres' unable to step down 'is precisely to make them stand on the stage better."

In the past year, he presided over 10 special studies of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee to deploy the work of building a clean and honest government, gave instructions on 8 important letters and visits of leading cadres, listened to 12 special reports on the investigation and treatment of cadre corruption, and at the weekly meeting of the secretaries, he must analyze the work of building a clean and honest government and anti-corruption... Liao Junbo made comments on the implementation of the main responsibilities of the Party Committee with practical actions.

"The cause should go up, and the team will not be in trouble." This is what Liao Junbo said repeatedly at conferences and meetings. This sentence also runs through the process of selecting and appointing people in politics and counties. In Zhenghe County, if cadres want to be promoted, they must meet the standards of being able to do things without accident. Since 2013, Zhenghe County has appointed a total of 95 cadres, 70% of whom are from the grass-roots line, with high public recognition and good social response.

"There is no exception to discipline"

In Liao Junbo's opinion, we must have a clear attitude towards party members and cadres who do not observe discipline and rules. The conversation and handling of the conversation should strengthen the awareness of the red line and bottom line of party members and cadres.

In March 2012, Mr. Li, who was then the deputy director of the county education bureau, was appointed as the director of the county family planning bureau. After Li took office, he had a clear idea of work, was bold, and made remarkable achievements. In July 2014, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhenghe County investigated the violation of discipline in the purchase of auxiliary teaching materials for primary and secondary schools by the County Education Bureau. Li was one of the three persons involved.

According to the nature of Li's violation of discipline and the circumstances of his mistake, the county discipline inspection commission proposed to give him a punishment of removing his post within the Party and administrative dismissal.

"There is no exception in front of discipline!" Before handling, Liao Junbo specifically talked to Li, fully affirming his ability, and at the same time, enlightening him to correctly understand his mistakes and correctly deal with disciplinary violations.

"Look at yourself in the mirror"

Dongshan and Zhenghe are in the south and north of Fujian; As the secretary of the county party committee, Gu Wenchang's spirit has gone through decades of time and space, deeply affecting Liao Junbo.

"Through learning from Gu Wenchang, I have been thinking about two questions. First, if I was put under the tough conditions of Dongshan in those days, would I have the perseverance to persist for 14 years? Second, if I were allowed to stay in Zhenghe for 14 years, would the cadres and the masses still welcome me?"

In March 2014, after learning from Dongshan County, Liao Junbo's heart could not be calm for a long time. In his experience, he wrote, "Gu Wenchang is honest and self disciplined. He has been poor all his life. His fear of power, respect for his position and loyalty to his career are worthy of our cadres to learn."

Liao Junbo often educates cadres to be honest and clean. He insisted on setting an example, consciously abiding by all disciplines of the Party, actively implementing the requirements of "Three Stricts and Three Honesties", cautiously using power, and being close to the people.

Comrades from the County Party Committee Office said that Secretary Liao is passionate about doing things for business. He took "acting boldly and being clean" as his motto and silently infected everyone with his actions. Late at night, the light in his office is always on; On weekends, the door of his office is often open. He strictly abides by the working philosophy of "being on the spot, not in the meeting place", and often goes deep into the front line to solve problems such as letters and visits, people's livelihood, etc. For more than four years, he has spent almost all weekends and holidays in politics.

The wind is just setting the sail, and the cause of political communication is thriving. In 2012, the county economic development index rose 35 places in Fujian Province, and in 2013, the county economic development entered the top ten in Fujian Province for the first time. Moreover, in the past four years, there have been no serious crimes committed by Party members and leading cadres in the county. (Chen Jinlai, Huang Xinghua, Chen Shili)

(Editor in charge: Shen Wangyi, Yan Yan)
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