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15:00, October 24, 2016 (Monday)
People's Daily Online, CPC News Network
"Two learning and one doing" learning education
"Double promotion" of Party building for poverty alleviation
Economic and social development

According to the requirements and unified deployment of the Central Committee, the "two learning and one doing" learning education is being carried out in depth by Party organizations at all levels throughout the country, and has achieved initial results. Today, we specially invited Chen Zhenyong, member of the Standing Committee of Zhaotong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and head of the Organization Department, to the People's Daily Online and the CPC News "Face to face" interview room. He will exchange views with netizens on topics such as Zhaotong's carrying out "two learning and one doing" learning and education, promoting both party building and poverty alleviation, and deepening the implementation of the "six strategies" to promote economic and social development of Zhaotong. Welcome to watch.   

Zhaotong City is located in the northeast of Yunnan Province, on the right bank of the lower reaches of Jinsha River, bordering Sichuan and Guizhou, and at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. It has jurisdiction over 1 district and 10 counties, with a land area of 23000 square kilometers and a population of 5.8295 million. It is known as the "Golden Triangle of Resources" and the "cornucopia". The reserves of lignite are 8.19 billion tons, which is the largest lignite field in southern China. Zhaotong is rich in human resources. Every year, more than 1.2 million farmers go out to work, with obvious labor advantages.

Guest Profile

Chen Zhenyong, male, Bai nationality, born in February 1974, has a university degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China.

He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of Zhaotong Municipal Committee of the CPC and head of the Organization Department.

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  1. Minister Chen Zhenyong Visits People's Daily Online
  2. Minister Chen Zhenyong Visits People's Daily Online, CPC News Network
  3. Minister Chen Zhenyong Visits People's Daily Online, CPC News Network