Double color ball lottery result

Bicolor sphere

Section two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-seven stage Double color ball lottery result

At 21:15 every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, 2 yuan for each bet, with the highest prize of 10 million yuan

Total sales: 365,625,592 , prize pool: 2,240,160,236

 three  eight  seventeen  eighteen  twenty-three  thirty-one  eight
And value span Interval ratio Single to double ratio blue ball
one hundred twenty-eight 2:2:2 2:2 Small double

Five line trend chart

Dimension selection:
Issue Lottery result Hongyi Erythrocyte Red triad Red Four Red Five Red Six
gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-seven three eight seventeen eighteen twenty-three thirty-one twenty-six wood seven four one five two three one Soil four nine six two Soil four five one fire six seven two one three Soil four six fourteen fire one
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-six five eighteen twenty twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-five thirteen six three Soil four one two fire three three eight five one Soil three four water one five six one water two four three five thirteen nine Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-five two four six seven sixteen twenty-nine twenty-four twelve five two Soil three wood one nine two two seven four fire one two three one fire four five wood ten one three two four twelve eight Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-four eight thirteen twenty twenty-five thirty-one thirty-two twenty-three eleven four one Soil two four water eight one one six three four Soil one two water six three four one nine fire two one three eleven seven Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-three seven fourteen twenty-one twenty-two twenty-eight thirty-three twenty-two ten three fire two one three thirty-seven seven Soil gold five two three one gold one nine five two three wood eight fourteen one gold two ten six four
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-two seven ten eleven fifteen seventeen twenty-one twenty-one nine two fire one gold two thirty-six six five five four one two Soil two wood eight four one two nine seven thirteen Soil gold one nine five three
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-one five nine thirteen twenty twenty-three twenty-eight twenty eight one four Soil gold one thirty-five five four four three water one two one twenty-four seven three Soil one eight six twelve Soil one wood eight four two
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty one three seven ten twenty-two thirty-three nineteen seven water three two two wood thirty-four four three three two nine fire one gold twenty-three six two one gold seven five eleven one gold two seven three one
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-nine twelve fifteen seventeen twenty-three twenty-six thirty-two eighteen six water two one one wood thirty-three three two two one eight four Soil eight twenty-two five one Soil thirteen six four ten Soil five one six two Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-eight two nine fifteen nineteen twenty-six twenty-eight seventeen five eleven one Soil gold six thirty-two two one one wood seven three four seven twenty-one four fire one twelve five three nine Soil four wood five one two
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-seven seven eight twenty-one twenty-six twenty-nine thirty sixteen four ten fire one six five thirty-one one Soil gold fifteen six two three six twenty three seven Soil eleven four two eight Soil three thirty-five four fire one
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-six two six ten eleven seventeen twenty-nine fifteen three nine thirteen Soil five four thirty fire one gold fourteen five one two five nineteen two six Soil ten three one seven Soil two thirty-four three seven Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-five two eight nineteen twenty-three twenty-four twenty-six fourteen two eight twelve Soil four three twenty-nine one Soil nine thirteen four fire one four eighteen one five Soil nine two water six one one thirty-three two six Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-four two six seventeen twenty-five thirty-two thirty-three thirteen one seven eleven Soil three two twenty-eight fire four eight twelve three one Soil three seventeen water four one eight one three five Soil gold thirty-two one five two
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-three four six seven fourteen fifteen twenty-four twelve wood six ten one two one twenty-seven fire three seven eleven two fire one two sixteen seven three Soil seven wood two four one two thirty-one water four one
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-two two four five fourteen twenty-six thirty-two eleven fourteen five nine Soil one wood twenty-six three two six ten one two Soil one fifteen six two Soil six four one three Soil one thirty sixteen three Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-one two nine twelve twenty-two twenty-five thirty-three ten thirteen four eight Soil gold four twenty-five two one five nine water one four gold fourteen five one two five three water two one gold twenty-nine fifteen two one
two million twenty-four thousand and forty eleven fourteen eighteen nineteen twenty-three twenty-six nine twelve three seven Soil two three twenty-four one Soil four eight one fire three fifteen thirteen four fire one four two three one Soil eight twenty-eight fourteen one Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-nine two six twelve twenty-nine thirty thirty-one eight eleven two six Soil one two twenty-three fire three three seven water one two fourteen twelve three two Soil three one two fire six seven twenty-seven thirteen fire two
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-eight eight ten eighteen twenty-three twenty-seven thirty-one seven ten one five Soil gold one twenty-two three two two six four fire one thirteen eleven two one Soil two wood one seven five six twenty-six twelve fire one
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-seven one four five six twelve fourteen six nine water four one three wood twenty-one two one one five three eleven Soil twelve ten one fire two one eight water six four five twenty-five eleven one Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-six two eight nine twelve twenty-one thirty-one five eight four three Soil two four twenty one Soil gold four two ten one eleven nine water two one gold seven four five three four twenty-four ten fire one
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-five five seven fourteen seventeen twenty-two thirty-two four seven three two Soil one three nineteen fire five five three one nine Soil ten eight four one Soil gold six three four two three twenty-three nine one Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-four two nine twelve nineteen twenty-one thirty-one three six two one Soil gold two eighteen five four four two water eight one nine seven three fire two gold five two three one two twenty-two eight fire one
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-three six ten eleven eighteen twenty thirty-two two five one fire six gold one seventeen four three three one two seven Soil eight six two fire one twenty four one two Soil one twenty-one seven five Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-two one three four eleven twelve twenty-one one four water fourteen five one wood sixteen three two two wood one six three seven five one six Soil nineteen three water one two gold twenty six four one
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-one nine ten thirteen twenty-five thirty thirty-two gold three one thirteen four gold six fifteen two one one ten water five two six four water five three eighteen two six fire one one nineteen five three Soil
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty one eight twenty-two twenty-five twenty-nine thirty-three twenty-six two water twelve three seven five fourteen one Soil gold nine three four one five three water four two seventeen one five two Soil gold eighteen four two three
two million twenty-four thousand and twenty-nine twelve eighteen twenty-three twenty-five twenty-eight thirty-three twenty-five one water eleven two six four thirteen fire nine four eight two three Soil four two water three one sixteen wood four one three gold seventeen three one two
two million twenty-four thousand and twenty-eight three seven eight eleven eighteen nineteen twenty-four wood five ten one five three twelve fire eight three seven one two Soil three one four two Soil fifteen one three fire two three sixteen two fire one
Issue Hongyi Erythrocyte Red triad Red Four Red Five Red Six
gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil gold wood water fire Soil
Total occurrences one three six four sixteen eight six one eight seven five two five six twelve three one seven seven twelve four five five four twelve eight two one seven twelve
Average missing value fifteen seven three five one two three fifteen two three four nine four three one seven fifteen three three one five four four five one two nine fifteen three one
Maximum missing value twenty-six fourteen eleven fourteen six seven six thirty-seven nine nine nine fifteen nine eleven four fifteen twenty-four nine seven six twenty nine ten fourteen six eight thirty-five sixteen nine four
Maximum output one one two two five two two one two one two one one one two one one three two three three one one one four two one one two three

Parameter Description

[Gold] 09, 10, 21, 22, 33

[Wood] 03, 04, 15, 16, 27, 28

[Water] 01, 12, 13, 24, 25

[Fire] 06, 07, 18, 19, 30, 31

[Soil] 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32

Omissions: The number of periods from the previous period to the current period.

Total occurrences: The cumulative number of occurrences of a number in the statistical cycle.

Average missing value: The average value of omissions in the number of statistical periods (calculation formula: average omissions=total omissions in the statistical period/(number of occurrences+1)).

Maximum missing value: It refers to the maximum value of all missing values in the statistical period.

Maximum output value: It refers to the maximum value of all consecutive values in the statistical cycle.