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How to maintain sexual vitality in marriage

(2015-01-26 15:13:07)



Sexual vitality


Classification: marriage and family

 How to maintain sexual vitality in marriage


Entrustment is a very important principle that people often mention. It means that you and your partner decide that no matter how ups and downs of life, you will be together. This kind of firm mutual trust can solve the problems in sexual life to the maximum extent. In a good marriage relationship, you can feel the joy of loving someone and being loved by someone. For two people who love each other, sexual life is the external manifestation of deeper psychological and spiritual connection.

When a person spends a lot of time studying the needs of his partner, he is a long-term and considerate partner. He will cherish their feelings more and redouble his efforts when he needs to make more efforts for love. With the aging, many problems will inevitably arise, such as health problems or difficulties in life, which is a kind of stress for everyone. These problems are easier to overcome because of the mutual understanding between husband and wife in the long-term common life. Moreover, the couple had vowed to stay together and love each other no matter what difficulties they encountered, which made both parties feel a kind of support and strength.


Intimacy is another important factor in maintaining sexual vitality. But intimacy is not just genital contact, it also means that you need to know your partner's personal thoughts and secrets, and share most of his or her feelings, including seeing the real side of each other in various environments, whether good or bad. This kind of intimate relationship can only be established among those who are willing to trust each other. Since everyone's personality contains many things, it takes a process to establish intimate relationships. We are all constantly exploring the hidden things in our spirit, body composition, spiritual needs and intellectual potential. It is impossible for people to stop pursuing intimacy from themselves and others. Couples can consciously promote intimacy and mutual trust by sharing their feelings, memories, dreams, fears and goals. Sexual intimacy is easier to achieve physically than psychologically.

For most couples, many lack the courage to talk about each other's sexual needs. Therefore, helping middle-aged couples maintain intimate sexual life is not just a physiological behavior or can be achieved in the short term. It is a process of gradual discovery, in which the growing sense of comfort guides people to uncover secrets and make new discoveries. You can achieve intimacy in two ways. One is to further understand your partner's thoughts and feelings, and increase mutual understanding and intimacy by asking and discussing questions and finding new answers; The other is to increase intimacy by expanding the experience that couples already have. When a couple shares more failures, crises and joys together, the intimate horizon will appear.


Trust relationship is also an important factor to maintain the sexual vitality of couples. However, it is not easy to build mutual trust without years of constant attention and development between partners. When the husband said to his wife, "Can you help me overcome erectile dysfunction?" The husband showed his trust in his wife. Similarly, the wife needs to trust her husband to admit her secret of feeling pain during sexual intercourse. Sharing sexual secrets is not easy, it will make people embarrassed and take certain risks.

The reason why I feel embarrassed is that these secrets are very private secrets, while taking risks is because my partner may laugh at me or be rejected, rather than return with love and care. The husband and wife can not ask for trust, but can only strive for trust. If you want your husband and wife relationship to last, you need to keep striving for it. If either spouse intentionally or unintentionally reveals the other's sexual secrets, it will make the other party feel embarrassed and no longer trust him (her); Another example is that when one party offends the other party and fails to make proper reconciliation, the former relationship will break down and people will lose trust. In the United States, half of the first marriages result in divorce because the two parties lose trust, while in the second marriage, the proportion is even higher. (Author: Professor Zhong Tao)

Original link: http://www.bj-doctor.cn/whisper/info/20b02794-8ffd-4a2a-9a75-8c59d92732f4


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