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Teach children to dream creatively

(2021-06-23 11:21:18)
Classification: Management wisdom
        The first thing for Senoyi people to meet in the daytime is to tell each other what they dreamed about last night. If A attacked B in a dream, in the daytime, A would apologize to B and ask for forgiveness; If A is bullied by B in his dream, he will also tell B, and of course, B will apologize to A. They also teach children to dream actively and creatively. For example, if a child dreams of being chased by a tiger, the elders will advise him to turn around and attack bravely in the next dream, because in the face of the danger in the dream, they believe that they must face difficulties rather than escape. If the child dreams of falling off the cliff, he will be allowed to fly easily in the next dream, and encourage the child to land in a fun place so that he can tell everyone about the happy journey the next morning.


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