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[Health Tips] 8 "wonderful" ways to prevent snoring

(2017-11-05 16:02:04)




   present Medical research shows that mild snoring has little impact on human health. The snoring disease that attracts the attention of the medical community is snoring with apnea during sleep, which can lead to different degrees of hypoxia. Over a long period of time, it will cause hormone secretion dysfunction in the human body, thus causing damage to various systems, tissues and organs; It causes severe hypoxia of brain and blood, and forms hypoxemia, which has great damage to the cardiovascular system, and can cause hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc. In serious cases, it can cause sudden death at night. Snoring in children will affect physical and mental development.
      Remember 8 tips to prevent snoring:
   one Strengthen physical exercise and maintain good living habits.
   two . Keep away from alcohol and tobacco. Smoking can aggravate respiratory symptoms, and drinking can aggravate snoring, night breathing disorder and hypoxemia, especially drinking before sleep. Only by keeping the nose and throat unblocked can snoring be reduced.
   three For obese people, we should actively reduce weight and strengthen exercise. The clinical experience is to reduce weight by 5%~10%.
   four Most snoring patients have decreased blood oxygen content, which is often accompanied by high blood pressure, arrhythmia, increased blood viscosity, and increased heart burden, easily leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, attention should be paid to blood pressure monitoring, and antihypertensive drugs should be taken on time.
   five It is forbidden to take sedative and hypnotic drugs before sleep to avoid aggravating the inhibition of respiratory center regulation.
   six . Sleep on the side, especially on the right side, to avoid sagging of the tongue, soft palate and uvula during sleep and aggravating the obstruction of the upper airway. A small leather ball can be padded on the back when sleeping, which is helpful to keep the side lying position sleep.
   seven Patients after surgery should mainly eat soft food, and do not eat too hot food. Avoid strenuous activities.
   eight Patients with snoring should also prevent colds and treat nasal congestion in a timely manner.


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