How do I automatically align conversations in Word with colons?

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How do I automatically align conversations in Word with colons?
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For example, the setting of the above example.
1. Select Aa and click the Distributed Alignment button on the format toolbar, as shown in the figure;

2. In the pop-up Adjust Width dialog box, enter 2 at the new text width, as shown in the figure;

3. The settings of Bbb and Cccc can be set in the same way; You can also use the format brush to set.
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For Chinese character input method, input minus sign, input several more, and the horizontal line will automatically change when entering
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You can use the decimal point alignment in the tab stop to process.
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Character borders cannot be set in the font dialog box.
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Select C Paper Type
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How to automatically align to colons in Word:

If it is aligned at both ends. Table is recommended. The front part of the colon is in one column, and the rear part is in one column. Select the alignment method of Justify to align the rear part.

Use table
Double click the left key in the ruler bar, and a small "right angle" sign will appear, which is the tab stop. You can drag and move it to the appropriate position, that is, locate the text behind the colon where you want to appear. Enter "technique:", press the "tab" key on the keyboard, and the light bar will jump to the tab stop, then enter "catiav5,...", Enter the second line of text "information:", press the "tab" key on the keyboard, and enter "word, excel..." to ensure the absolute alignment of the text behind the colon.
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Insert -- Shape -- Line
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ZOL Q&A > How do I automatically align conversations in Word with colons?


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