If you buy Lenovo G580A-IFI T metal gray, does this computer process files fast? Is the video card enough?

If you buy Lenovo G580A-IFI T metal gray, does this computer process files fast? Is the video card enough?
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I am a student who buys computers mainly for study. Processing files, editing digital programs, learning computer graphics, playing at the war front in spare time, AVA Lenovo G580A-IFI T metal gray, is this computer enough? In addition, you can recommend two for me View All

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jb6s7c6d30 Trainee expert

This computer can be used to process files and make non professional computer graphics without problems. The i5 processor equipped with the computer is capable of meeting most daily application needs. But the game performance is relatively average. Although the GT710 has 96 streaming mechanisms, it is only 64bit wide. But the two online games mentioned by the owner and most other online games can run smoothly. If you like Lenovo, the V480 is also worth considering. Its performance and workmanship are one level higher than the G580
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 If you buy Lenovo G580A-IFI T metal gray, does this computer process files fast? Is the video card enough?

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