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How much is the joining fee for joining BBQ and rice

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How much is the joining fee for joining BBQ and rice
Question time: 2021-05-02 15:12:43
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  • The number of consumers dining out is gradually increasing, and the number of food items in the catering market is gradually increasing, which not only meets the taste buds needs of diners, but also brings business opportunities with broad prospects for entrepreneurs. As a special food, BBQ and rice have always been popular with consumers, and the sales volume in the market has always been considerable. How much is the joining fee for joining the barbecue and rice mixing? The franchise fees charged by the headquarters for different barbecue and rice brands will also be different. If the brand is famous, the franchise fees will be increased accordingly, which will cost about 10000 to 50000 yuan. Entrepreneurs need to prepare not only sufficient franchise fees, but also basic opening fees, The cost is about 100000 to 200000 yuan, which is mainly used to pay the store rent, decoration fees, raw material costs and other related expenses.
    Answer time: 2021-05-03 14:56:35