Uploaded on: 2015-11-12 14:13:14 come from: electrical engineering / Electrical data / Example of electrical calculation
3.96 points

(l) Basic concepts 1) Cross section shape of right angle fillet weld: as shown in Figure 6-18, it is often referred to as fillet weld because it belongs to most engineering applications. The two leg sizes of most fillet welds are equal and hf. The weld surface is slightly convex as shown in Figure 6-18 (a). A few of fillet welds adopt unequal leg sizes or concave surfaces as required, as shown in Figure 6-18 (b) and Figure 6-18 (c).

 2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 1

2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 1

 2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure coaching: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 2

2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure coaching: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 2

 2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 3

2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 3

 2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 4

2015 Class I certified public architect architectural structure guidance: calculation and structure of right angle fillet weld - Figure 4

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