Tuoyuan Enterprise Theme  Tuoyuan Enterprise Theme
 Easily build enterprise website system based on ZBlog

Easily build enterprise website system based on ZBlog

One stop service system to meet your various service needs

 Automatic adaptation Automatic adaptation
With only one theme, you have both PC and mobile terminals
 Free collocation Free collocation
Independent switch of each module, displayed as required
 Fast and convenient Fast and convenient
Faster and easier to operate than similar products
 Rest assured and reliable Rest assured and reliable
Respond to vulnerabilities in a timely manner to protect the website
 Free personality Free personality
Rich plug-ins realize each function, and there is always one suitable for you
 Don't worry about buying Don't worry about buying
One time purchase, lifetime use and update, providing convenient services

Similar blog programs

ZBlog Blog Program

Immediate response, fast loading
Simple and easy to use
save money
One time purchase for lifetime use
Too slow
The page has not been loaded for a long time
Complex functions and inconvenient operation
Hurt money
Monthly consumption is not cheap

Our products


  •  Sample Product Detail Template
  •  Appreciation of clear layout design
    A successful topic page will mostly have the following elements: color, composition, style creativity, details, etc. A page starts from scratch. Designers need to have overall design and control of the entire page. Good image segmentation can make users visually attracted at the first sight of the page, and even know a lot of information about the page without browsing the specific content. The same material, the same color matching, and different compositions can make the page look different. If you still hold a topic that is an excellent head map, and fill in the following content step by step, you will be out. Now?
  •  Understand the latest trends and create a better future
    Three people will be put in prison for three years, and the warden will give them one request each. Americans like to smoke cigars. They ordered three boxes of cigars. The French are the most romantic. They want a beautiful woman to accompany them. The Jews said that he wanted a telephone to communicate with the outside world. Three years later, the first person who rushed out was an American, with his mouth and nostrils full of cigars, shouting, "Give me fire, give me fire!" He had forgotten to ask for fire. Then came the French. He was holding a child in his hand, and a beautiful woman was holding a child in her hand, still pregnant with
  •  The process of making ttf font file
    Here is a brief introduction to the process of TTF font design. If you are interested, you can try it. This step is completed on paper with a black marker. This step must have a clear idea. When designing fonts, there must be a goal, that is, the desired style, and where fonts are suitable for application. It must be clear that English fonts must have some understanding and insights. Only with a clear idea can the font style be formulated. It is recommended to study Arial before starting, Batang,Impact,Vrinda,Tahoma,Time...
  •  Design for user experience
    User experience (UX) is the key to success or failure of a product in the market, but what does UX mean? In many cases, UX is confused with usability. It describes how easy products are to use to a certain extent. This is the fact. As a discipline, UX began to be usability. However, UX has developed into adaptability rather than practicality. More and more attention has been paid to various aspects of user experience to provide successful products to the market. User experience cannot be designed. It can only be designed for user experience. The core and essence of user experience is full
  •  Experience Design in Post AlphaGo Era
    Alibaba UCAN 2016 "Design empowers commerce and creates ultimate experience" conference was honored to invite Lou Yongqi, Dean of the School of Design and Creativity of Tongji University, to give us a wonderful speech on the morning of March 28. Lou's thinking can be described as cross-border. He defined design from a broader perspective and explored the essence of design in a more divergent scene facing the future of mankind, To construct the mission of design from the perspective of humanism - in addition to serving consumerism, the future of design should create more non-material values, such as happiness and beauty, giving us a lot of profound input. We try our best to pass the following text
  •  Best Practices for Minimalist Design
    With the popularity of mobile devices, minimalism has been more and more widely used. Minimalism has brought additional benefits to major applications and websites. After removing redundant decoration elements, it makes loading faster and compatibility between screen sizes better. A good application requires a good combination of minimalism and ease of use to leave a deep impression. A simple and easy-to-use application represents an efficient way of communication. "Designers often want to make it easier
  •  Use animation effects to improve user experience
    Welcome to Z-Blog, which is an article automatically generated by the program, and you can delete or edit it:) The system has generated a message book and a "Welcome to Z-BlogPHP!", I wish you a happy use
 Easily build enterprise website system based on ZBlog

Easily build enterprise website system based on ZBlog

One stop service system to meet your various service needs

 Don't worry about buying Don't worry about buying
One time purchase, lifetime use and update, providing convenient services
 Automatic adaptation Automatic adaptation
With only one theme, you have both PC and mobile terminals
 Free collocation Free collocation
Independent switch of each module, displayed as required
 Fast and convenient Fast and convenient
Faster and easier to operate than similar products

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ZBlog replaces the traditional website system with innovative content management mode, and strives to build an easy-to-use, fast and convenient public blog platform.



  • 12/09

    two thousand and twenty

    How to successfully open the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor?

    There was a Chinese man who lived in a place that could defeat the Daming Palace and the Old Summer Palace before he died. I think the place where I live after death is not bad, so I want to go and have a look. The specially designed action plan is as follows, please criticize and correct. Difficulty 1: Where is the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor? This question seems to be nonsense. The location of the Qinling Tomb has never been a secret: Baidu Encyclopedia said that it is located at the north foot of Lishan Mountain, 5 kilometers east of Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. There is a sign at the gate: the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, a national AAAA scenic spot. But who can prove that this earth bag is the tomb of Qin Shihuang? Sima Qian can, Li Daoyuan can, anyone can. Records of the Historian, Qin Shihuang

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    Can Xiaomi MIX make Xiaomi enter the high-end market?

    On the evening of October 25, Xiaomi's new product launch conference was held in Beijing. Due to some previous exposure, Xiaomi note2, the main character of the conference, did not receive much applause. Similar to Samsung's appearance design, the expected configuration has not brought much interest now. Just when everyone was sleepy, Xiaomi made a big move, and Xiaomi MIX, which had no borders on three sides, shocked the whole audience. This frameless machine honoring Sharp uses a number of new technologies, and the full ceramic frame back cover looks nothing

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    How will driverless cars change the world?

    Your next car may be a self driving car. Barack Obama told Wired magazine this month that "this technology has basically matured." Robin Chase, a transportation entrepreneur and the co-founder of Zipcar, believes that driverless cars "will come in three years and three months.". However, we have hardly begun to consider how they will revolutionize our lives, our cities, and destroy tens of millions of jobs. On the streets of the city

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    How should humans work in the robot era?

    In recent months, anthropologists have been investigating the entire American labor force to find the answer to one of the most important questions of our time: if robots come, what will human employment be like? As you might guess, the answer is very depressing. If there is one thing that almost all economists agree on, it is that digital technology is doing a lot of work that was once done by humans. The manufacturing industry provides a particularly obvious example

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    two thousand and twenty

    View WeChat applet from another perspective

    When I attended several technology salons last year, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: different from the previous unified acceptance of changing business cards, some people do not want to be added to WeChat friends - "Sorry, unfamiliar people do not add WeChat". This phenomenon is interesting because business cards seem to reveal more personal information: company, position, telephone, email, etc; On the contrary, WeChat only exposes one account. From the perspective of privacy, if you can accept the change of business card, you should be able to accept the change of business card

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    two thousand and twenty

    Overturn Kingston again and release the world's largest USB flash disk

    Although the technology of solid state disk is fierce, the small and convenient USB flash disk is still the main product of portable storage. Kingston today updated a USB flash disk with the largest capacity in the world - DataTraveler Ultimate GT. Ultimate GT is designed with 1TB and 2TB capacities, USB 3.1 Type-A traditional interface, and zinc alloy shell. It is expected to be listed in February this year. The price has not yet been disclosed, but it is bound to move the world

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