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The recovery of the property market is a clear card. How to choose the key points for entry?
Source: Leju House 2024-05-27 11:49:38
The more scarce, the more valuable, who is more scarce, who has more say.

The spring breeze of real estate starts!

On May 17, the real estate market ushered in a big positive, and many departments joined hands to play a policy "combination punch". Real estate stocks rose sharply on the same day, with 25 trading limits.

In fact, since May Day, the real estate sector in the capital market began to change, and individual stocks rose in turn; At the same time, the real estate services related to the real estate industry chain, rental and sales of the same rights, engineering consulting services, decoration, cement and building materials and other sectors also rose with each other.

Industry analysis believes that, stimulated by a series of policy measures, market confidence is expected to be boosted, driving sales back up. The industry bottoming is expected to be accelerated and the valuation of the sector may be gradually repaired.

The real estate market is warming up, which is a clear card!

The central government's determination to rescue the market is unprecedented, and the recovery of the property market has been clearly marked

The real estate market is waiting for "Wang Fried"

On May 17, the central bank first issued three successive blockbuster notices, involving down payment ratio, provident fund loan interest rate and many other reductions, setting a record low:

·The interest rate of provident fund loan was reduced by 0.25 percentage points;

·The down payment ratio of the first set and the second set shall be reduced to no less than 15% and 25% respectively;

·Cancel the lower limit of the first two commercial loan interest rates.

Subsequently, the four ministries and commissions made a detailed description of the "supporting policies for housing guarantee and delivery", including:

·Set up 300 billion yuan of affordable housing refinancing to support local state-owned enterprises to purchase completed but unsold commercial housing at reasonable prices;

·For financing "white list" projects, we should make full progress and make full use of loans;

·Support local governments to recover idle land that enterprises cannot continue to develop at a reasonable price.

Kerry believes that this policy is aimed at stimulating demand, destocking, and continuing to promote the delivery of buildings.

Compared with the previous "small step fast walk", the policy this time has been significantly improved in terms of both strength and coverage. This time, the central level has given clear policy and financial support, which is expected to promote the change of market expectations and have a positive impact on boosting residents' confidence in buying houses.

At the same time, experts believe that the 517 policy combination is a strong signal of the effective bottoming of the property market.

The market also responded. According to many media reports, two days after the release of the new policy, the new and second-hand housing markets in first tier cities and some strong second tier cities, such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Tianjin, Xiamen, have become popular and the popularity of projects has soared!

Market differentiation intensifies

Obviously, we all want to seize the good opportunity to buy houses at the bottom, but we should be more cautious at this key point of entry.

The era of blind buying in the property market has passed, and the future real estate pattern will show obvious differentiation, and the general rising market will no longer occur.

High quality assets can be advanced, attacked and retreated, and defended, which will become more popular in the future

Property market differentiation, underlying logic or value differentiation. To put it more generally, in the period when house prices are generally rising, it seems that buyers can choose at will without worrying about appreciation. At present, the supply of new housing market has become saturated. With more and more affordable housing entering the market in the future, projects with low product capacity will be hit first.

In the future, high-quality assets are bound to have room for growth in value maintenance and appreciation.

High quality assets also have different ranks. Only by sitting on the top asset of scarce value, holding more scarce urban landscape resources and sophisticated supporting facilities, and also gathering cutting-edge resources in the industry, can we become the "top stream" in the luxury housing circle.

This kind of assets, with both residential and commercial attributes, can be attacked and defended in the future market will be more popular.

From the current market performance, it can also be seen that the high-end improvement market in major cities has shown strong stamina. The case of the rich rushing into top class luxury houses fully demonstrates that "scarcity is the most valuable thing" has become the absolute truth for high-end buyers to choose. The scarcer the asset, the more predictable the market can be in the present situation, and easily cross the cycle.

Taking the perspective back to Kunming, what kind of projects can take the responsibility of crossing the cycle and "letting the wind and waves rise, and sitting on the Diaoyutai" assets?

The four seasons of China should be the answer.

Real shot of the third phase of the four seasons of China

Resistance to falling is the absolute principle

As the top asset in Kunming, Huaxia Siji is known as the model of "new Dian style luxury house" by the industry for its value of Tibetan grade. It has gone out of the independent market under the adverse market environment, and the property value leads the market.

It is not just rhetoric. From the performance of second-hand housing, Huaxia Siji has demonstrated the advantage of rolling resistance in terms of resilience.

According to a data platform, from June 2021 to March 2024, the listing price trend of the four seasons of China on the platform is far higher than the regional average price of Dianchi Resort, and this trend is more obvious this year.

Data source: a data platform

However, the trend of continuous decline of transactions in the whole market did not give the landlords of Huaxia Four Seasons any sign of loosening their grip.

According to the data from the shell platform, Xitang Garden, Phase II of Huaxia Four Seasons, is about 143 ㎡, with the landlord's listing price of 4.2 million yuan and the unit price of about 29000 yuan/㎡, while the listing price of a set of about 205 ㎡ houses is as high as 7.6 million yuan, which is amazing. Not only the price is firm, but also the owners of the community are reluctant to sell. Only 17 houses were listed on the shell platform.

What is the confidence of the landlord? There was a deal, and the deal was excellent.

According to the shell transaction data, a house with a floor area of about 312 m2 (205 m2 on the first floor) in Siji, Huaxia has a total transaction price of 9.25 million yuan and a unit price of nearly 30000 yuan/m2.

Data source: shell

There is also a second-hand house with a construction area of about 205 ㎡, with a total transaction price of 5.95 million yuan, or 28000 yuan/㎡. This suite has only been visited four times, and the transaction cycle is only two and a half months.

Data source: shell

In terms of rent, according to the data of China Real Estate Market Network, in the first quarter of 2024, the listed rent of China Four Seasons will be 44.12 yuan/month/㎡, the average listed price of the resort area and other nearby communities will be 32.38 yuan/month/㎡, while the average rent level of Kunming in the same period will be 24.43 yuan/month/㎡.

Data source: China Real Estate Market

If the more chilly the market is, the more you can test the value of the project, then the resilience of the Chinese four seasons has been verified by the market.

Never lose the scarcity logic of the market

It is understood that most of the owners of Four Seasons in China are famous entrepreneurs, executives, outstanding young entrepreneurs, and there are also many talents in science and technology, new energy and other industries, as well as university professors, artists and other knowledgeable circles, and even well-known bloggers and media celebrities.

Why do the four seasons of China become the common choice of these high-level people?

Obviously, what the rich prefer is its scarcity - the urban resources and unique products it occupies are the competitiveness that others can hardly copy.

Non replicable resources and products have become the unique competitiveness of the four seasons of China

We interviewed a millionaire owner in Siji, Huaxia. In his original words, buying a house is just for enjoyment! As for investment appreciation, it is a matter of course.

The "house for enjoyment", which seems to be described lightly, is to give them "more" in life:

First, out of print areas, ecological resources, and bay dwelling enjoyment.

The four seasons of China, with the city on the left, the sea on the right, and the water near Dian, and the seat overlooking the river at Caohaitou, have a great sense of "propriety" in the combination of urban prosperity and the natural ecology of Dianchi Lake.

Back to the city and facing the sea, the location is scarce

This makes the owners who have moved in feel more deeply. According to the owner, when you return to the home of Four Seasons, you will feel a sense of leisure. At the same time, you will sit in the Dianchi Resort, South Asia and other business circles, enjoying a comfortable life, making the social circle more convenient and the career more smooth.

Such a natural choice of location, resources and natural enjoyment of the bay residence is far from being comparable to ordinary luxury houses.

Facing Dianchi Lake, you have a broad vision

Secondly, the circle atmosphere and emotional value are more superior.

The core value of the products of the four seasons of China lies in the more profound annotation of the life and status of the bay residents. It is a gilt business card of the people at the top of Kunming Tower.

From building living space to creating exclusive life, Huaxia Sunshine has always been good at enabling exquisite life. From the very few people moved in, they had an "unlimited life". The owners of Four Seasons in China have the same assets and values. They are not only the gatherers of common values, the pioneers of harmonious and close neighborhood relations, but also the partners of beautiful businesses.

Real scene of Huaxia Sunshine · Gathering Flowers Day and Night Club

Here, the constant temperature swimming pool, fitness club, yoga room, tea house, children's entertainment room, etc. in the Sunshine · Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers Club in China can extend the circle of social interaction in an all-round way, whether it is the nourishment of art and culture or the communication needs at the spiritual level.

In addition, Huaxia Sunshine has also realized interaction among neighborhood circles and met more emotional values through customized and diversified community activities such as handicraft fun, paddle activities, U12 parent-child club, intellectual food group, owner's music club, etc.

Real scene of Huaxia Sunshine · Gathering Flowers Day and Night Club

Moreover, the living comfort and future growth are stronger than those of the high-rise.

The reason why western-style houses are popular is that they are better than high-rise residential buildings in terms of living experience and asset preservation.

As we all know, floor area ratio and building density are important indicators that affect residential comfort. The plot ratio of most high-rise residential areas in Kunming is more than 3.5, even more than 5. High capacity and high-density residential areas are generally accompanied by higher population density, reduced green area, higher utilization rate of public areas, closer building spacing, narrow roads in the residential area, poor ventilation and lighting of house types, and more difficult security problems.

Realistic garden view of the third phase of the four seasons in China

As a pure western-style residential community, Huaxia Siji has low capacity and low density (especially the plot ratio of Xibo Garden in Phase III is only 1.66). Even the first floor can have good lighting, north-south transparency and natural higher comfort.

From the perspective of public stalls, based on the different design specifications and standards for different types of residential buildings, high-rise buildings occupy more public areas in the design of electric wells, wells, corridors, corridors and other design provisions. The higher the floors, the larger the public stalls, and the lower the rate of housing acquisition.

In contrast, the total public area of western-style houses is very small due to the small number of households and the small area occupied by equipment wells. Therefore, compared with the building area, the rate of acquisition of foreign style houses is higher, the house type is better, there are fewer elevator households, and the elevator also comes faster and more timely.

Moreover, the maintenance cost of high-rise residential buildings is usually higher than that of western-style houses. From exterior wall cleaning, elevator maintenance to public facilities maintenance, all these costs will rise with the increase of building height, and these maintenance costs will eventually be passed on to each owner in the form of property fees, increasing the living costs. As time goes on, the old properties will be difficult to sell without mentioning the impact on the quality of life.

Therefore, if we calculate rationally, the cost performance ratio of buying a western-style house is much higher than that of buying a high-rise building.

Realistic garden view of the third phase of the four seasons in China

If you look at it from a perceptual perspective, the western-style residential community has a charming affinity and soft scale of human relations that can not be matched by high-rise residential buildings.

In Zhang Ailing's writing, "western-style houses are the most ideal place to escape". In Lin Yutang's eyes, western-style houses are the ideal life for the world

Compared with the traditional high-rise residential buildings, the western-style residential community must be close to the land and have a broader vision. The buildings are not competitive and the trees grow freely.

The wife is holding a coffee to enjoy the beauty of a flower, while the husband and children are laughing on the lawn in front of the door, strolling along the bank, listening to the waves and the sound of water...... As the owners of Four Seasons in China said, the sense of life ritual provided by the low density western-style houses is a cure that ordinary high-level communities cannot give.

Combined with various factors, the second-hand market has been verified, and second-hand houses often have stronger liquidity and growth than second-hand high-rise buildings. It is estimated that the premium of second-hand western-style houses of the same area and quality is 20-25% compared with high-rise houses.

Iterative upgrading of the final work

Since the development of the project in 2020, Phase III Xibo Garden, as the closing and final plot of the project, has made self iterative evolution again under the background of the success of the first two phases and the recognition of high-end customers, realizing multiple upgrades of buildings, house types, public areas, and basements.

Phase III plot is more hydrophilic

In terms of location, Siji · Xibo Garden is closer to the riverbank of the boat house and more hydrophilic than other plots.

Fully combining the landscape resources of Dianchi Lake, the buildings on the north side of Xibo Garden are all arranged in the direction of Caohai, so as to maximize the visual interface of Caohai and become the first row to view Dianchi; On the river side of the boathouse, under the condition of meeting the requirements of the opening rate, the landscape can be extended as far as possible through building splicing, so that more customers can enjoy the river view of the first-line boathouse.

In terms of garden landscape, the landscape design of Xibo Garden and the other two plots originated from the same vein, both of which were personally operated by the famous master Zhu Hongbo. Inspired by the classic royal garden, the Old Summer Palace, it has real landscapes outside and the theme of the internal garden, reaching the Chinese garden realm of "although it is made by people, it is like heaven".

Real Landscape of Phase III Garden

Benefiting from the advantages delivered by the community, walking in the community, you can see the tall trees and luxuriant foliage, just like a lively, warm and comfortable picture.

Xibo Garden has a building area of about 165-405 ㎡. In order to match the landscape like ecological resources, the combination of daylighting and vision is ingeniously used in the design of house type to create a "light level" that is rare in the area and even in Kunming.

Phase III live shot of vision

In addition, all house types have achieved the design of large horizontal hall. The kitchen is equipped with western kitchen guide platform or breakfast guide platform. Large scale master bedroom space and porch space ensure the quality and comfort of living in hardware.

Compared with its project, some of the landscape balconies in Four Seasons · Xibo Garden are designed in a unique zigzag shape, with a minimum depth of about 1.8 meters, and the maximum depth can reach 2.4-4.2 meters according to different house types.

The view balcony of Phase III adopts unique zigzag design

For example, two 270 ° super long landscape balconies with a floor area of about 373 m2 are connected to form a smooth and varied balcony space, extending nearly 30 meters. While sitting on the corner of the Caohai Lake, the main rooms are facing the best landscape, with clear dynamic and static zoning and more outstanding landscape vision.

The 405 ㎡ king house is even more amazing. It is equipped with a pillarless dining room with a width of about 11 meters, Chinese and Western double kitchens, Chinese and Western restaurants, and a landscape balcony with the same width; The master bedroom suite covers an area of about 32 ㎡. It is equipped with walk-in double cloakroom and connected with a 270 ° corner balcony. The view is full.

The most rare thing is that China Four Seasons · Xibo Garden has realized the simultaneous realization of quality and delivery, and all the imagination on the drawings has become a tangible and tangible reality. You can come to the scene and experience it personally.

The existing houses in Phase III are on sale, and the quality can be seen


The more scarce, the more valuable, who is more scarce, who has more say.

If you also want to pursue the lifestyle of living in the mountains and seas, and master the top asset of independent pricing power, I believe that China Four Seasons · Xibo Garden will become the most proud one among your many collections.

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