Installation configuration of command line terminal tool Cmder under Windows

Cmder is a simple and easy to use enhanced command line tool. Through Cmder, users can use all commands under the window, including custom window color, font size, git version control, multi window management, etc. The main advantage of Cmder is portability. It is designed to be completely independent and has no external dependencies, so it is very suitable for US
 Installation configuration of command line terminal tool Cmder under Windows

Artifact UnCSS Online, one click to remove invalid styles in css

In the process of project development, the front-end design changes from time to time. At this time, new effects are often produced first. When the project is completed, there will be some abandoned CSS code. Or when picking up a station, sometimes I just want to pick up a small place. If I pick up the corresponding CSS bit by bit, it is also a lot of work. At this time, UnCSS Online will come into use. Open web address:
 Artifact UnCSS Online, one click to remove invalid styles in css