Z-BlogPHP 1.7 API Guide for Chicken

This article is also called: If you can't understand it, you can basically say goodbye to ZB development. This article only discusses the most basic use of API, which is about the level of the first grade of primary school. If you have to ask the second grade, I'm sorry I can't help you, because I'm only in the second semester of the first grade after winter vacation. Then, this may be the first article on the usage of ZBP1.7 API in the whole network. zblogphp1....
 Z-BlogPHP 1.7 API Guide for Chicken

This blog has been upgraded to ZBLOG1.7BETA

In fact, Zbp1.7 was upgraded on the day of the public beta of zblog 1.7 last year, which has changed a lot. The details are as follows: the background icon was replaced by the vector font icon, and the background CSS page was rewritten, but there is still no mobile version. It is said that 1.8 will add thumbnail generation, and there will be no need to write a bunch of methods to generate thumbnails in the future. Well, the thumbnails of this blog are now used
 This blog has been upgraded to ZBLOG1.7BETA

How to elegantly call the data of zblog outside the station

The trigger point of this article (correct) is that I registered a domain name of gebilaoli.com, and then planned to build a simple personal display website. Since there are several zblog sites such as yeelz.com and zbpcool.com, I consider calling the articles of these zblog sites in gebilaoli.com. Originally
 How to elegantly call the data of zblog outside the station

Extreme · Z-Blog theme of Zhiboku's high-end atmosphere

It was said that one day in the zb development group, I suddenly talked about the domain name, and then I went to the World Wide Web and paid 9 yuan to register a domain name of zbp.cool. After two days of domain name registration, I plan to make a theme. Yes, you can read it correctly, because a domain name worth 9 yuan is going to make a theme
 Extreme · Z-Blog theme of Zhiboku's high-end atmosphere

Z-Blog free plug-in independent page archiving

The popular free plug-ins are coming again. A simple plug-in that archives all posts in the blog by date on a separate page. Simple statistics are displayed above. Click the year and month to switch and fold to display relevant articles, or click one button to switch and fold to display all articles. demonstration: https://yeelz.com/500.html...
 Z-Blog free plug-in independent page archiving

Record the egg laying process of a hidden plug-in

Lao Li has made a Z-Blog plug-in that encrypts content and WeChat focuses on access. Its basic function is to hide a piece of content. If the password is entered correctly, the hidden content will be displayed. The basic principle is to POST the password to the back end, and then add the hidden content to the text if the password is correct. Don't you understand? Nothing, I don't understand. Then a user contacted Lao Li yesterday and found that it was in use
 Record the egg laying process of a hidden plug-in

Extreme · Big R Powerful Z-Blog Blog Theme

Recently, I suddenly fell in love with the rounded corner style, so I made this theme. A blog theme with rounded corners and changeable styles, continuously updated Features and functions of this topic: round corner design, responsive design with multiple side bar modules, popular articles, hot reviews, latest articles, recommended reading, latest comments, website information cards (two presentation forms) The side bar content can be customized in the background to support customization
 Extreme · Big R Powerful Z-Blog Blog Theme

About the pit displayed on the Z-Log search page

In the era of ZBP1.5, Lao Li used to create a separate template for the search page, because the default display page of search results was too ugly. This is what it looks like: Later, ZBP was upgraded to 1.6, and a large number of people found that the thumbnails normally displayed on the search results page were not displayed. For this reason, Lao Li also wrote an article: Search results after Z-Blog was upgraded to 1.6
 About the pit displayed on the Z-Log search page

The Z-Blog free theme, which is popular in the extreme and simple wireframe, has come again

The popular free theme is coming again. A simple double column pure blog theme. It is suitable for technical bloggers, those who pursue simplicity and speed. The main purpose of this theme is to compete for the second fastest theme in the history of ZB with the WhitePage theme of slag pig/ Goutou/Goutou doesn't have an online demonstration. Just install it yourself. It's free anyway. Picture presentation:
 The Z-Blog free theme, which is popular in the extreme and simple wireframe, has come again