After repeated ticket skipping, the official version of Z-Blog1.7 was finally released

Chitchat Lao Li next door Last edited on 2021-04-15 08:22:09
Article summary
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The official version of Z-Blog1.7 was released. After 20 beta versions, it was released suddenly. Z-Blog is mainly written by middle school students. Lao Li contributed a picture and updated the theme for free. Please back up your data before updating.

After repeated ticket skipping and two months of public beta of 20 BETA versions, the official version of Z-Blog1.7 was suddenly released.

The reason why it is said to be sudden is that at 20 o'clock in the development group, they said that it might be released tomorrow, and then they got up in the middle of the night to pee. The pig said that it had been released.

According to reliable information, the reason for the sudden release is that ZB's pillar, a glorious middle school student, is on weekends!!!

This should be the sentence: Z-Blog program written by middle school students one after another.

About the introduction of ZBP1.7 official version, attached Official Borlaug article link

My old Li has also made great contributions to the release of Z-BlogPHP 1.7 Tenet. Hmm, he has contributed a picture of Sao...

 After repeated ticket skipping, the first official version of Z-Blog1.7 was finally released

There is so much water, let's get down to business:

To celebrate the official release of ZBP1.7, Lao Li's theme has been updated for free!

I said on the previous page Made a free theme that only ZBP1.7 can use, but the official version of 1.7 has not yet been released

A ZBP1.7 special theme, extreme and light

Without much nonsense, the following is the theme download link. You need to go to the Z-Blog application center to download it yourself. I'm asleep. Good night!

Friendly Tips

Compared with ZBP1.6, 1.7 steps are a little big. Please do a good job of data backup before updating, such as creating a snapshot.

Otherwise, you may pull the egg?

Resource download

This article is written by@ Lao Li next door Issued on April 10, 2021 on Yeluzi Blog , unless otherwise specified, all articles in this blog are original, please retain the source for reprinting.
comment (1)
 Grey memory
There is no way to switch to zblogphp
· From Shaanxi Province · reply