IconPark is a set of open source icons from the byte beating CUX design team

share 4 years ago Lao Li next door Last edited on 2021-04-17 09:08:09

 IconPark A set of open source icons from the byte beating CUX design team Page 1

IconPark is the official icon library officially opened by the byte CUX design team on September 3, 2020, which provides 1300+high-quality icons.

Its most powerful feature is that it can transform multiple themes by changing the attributes of an SVG file, and supports random switching of four themes: linear, fill, two color, and four color.

The website provides a variety of convenient operations: copying SVG code, copying React components, copying Vue components, downloading PNG, and downloading SVG.

 IconPark A set of open source icons from the byte beating CUX design team Page 2

For technical students, a variety of NPM packages are available for download, which greatly facilitates designers and developers.

Lao Li drew (copied) a set of icons for the theme before. If he had known about the icon library, he would have painted a fart by himself. Is it not good to sell a piano at that time?

Resource download

This article is written by@ Lao Li next door Published on November 7, 2020 Yeluzi Blog , unless otherwise specified, all articles in this blog are original, please retain the source for reprinting.
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